Joast social links
Janet twitch https://www.twitch.tv/xchocobars
Janet youtube
Janet twitter https://twitter.com/xChocoBars
Toast twitch https://www.twitch.tv/disguisedtoasths
Toast youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfl_...
Toast Twitt
Please watch: "Jakes gets JEBAITED | Poki x Greek | Jake and Kana | Jodi copy pasta rap"
- Otoshi The Kid: The OG stalker
- TheCharo777: not trying to be mean, but Janet is average at most, but it's subjective i know this.
- Hi Im Faker: Toast is overly shy, look up for the vid when his sister came for a visit
- Senlove7k: I think it's because toast is like 4 years older and more introverted. He probably likes her way more than he lets on, and he lets on pretty often.
- Uli: How comes I care more about their platonic relationship than I care about myself 🤷♂️
- james dewey: Man, looking back, some of these clips are really hard to watch 😂
- Kabob ii: Josué Gama are they still dating?
- Cobrax: Toast is too good for her, but its still cute.^^
- BW: andoni corcobado they donated more to Janet man. Some of the stalkers fucking HATTTE toast and can’t understand why toast makes her Happy.
- Tony Luong: oh dear janet your ass is thicker than the planet
- Pyramus: Its actually surprising that janet is the one showing more interest on toast cause toast probably thought she was out of his standard. Toast just fking hit a jackpot
- Sauce K: disguised cosby lul
- Kayri: RAPE
- santiago Cavanagh: 2:45 name song pls
- mariinum: They make me feel so lonely wtf
- IYupCream: This is too cute I can’t even
- Toasty: Joast still going strong
- AYO .O: Whats the outro song??
- ArcaKnight: Are they this together anyone pls answer
- SonOfOsiris3: we own it - 2 chainz
- xPandemonium: @andoni Not all of them, some were her subs like Ding and Sirgee who had supported her for as long as I could remember.We kind of saw this coming when she received a bunch of letters from "internet strangers" and a creepy-ish video (not sure if its been taken down). I don't comprehend this phenomenon, maybe it is a bunch of lonely guys who want to live through toast... in any case just leave the poor girl alone to play her games.
- Josué Gama: +Kabob ii hope u jking
- Kagamine Kat: That had me shook
- Josué Gama: Actually, she said "I know everything about you", but this clip cut it.
- Kabob ii: Josué Gama omg she likes him then
- Yukimaru Salamander: Joast is real! <3
- Mr Socrates: I wish i have a girl that love me like janet does to toast. Honestly i didn't expect them to be together this long. Hope this couple be happy together for long time.
- SoLo Twitch: Ricky Remedy - Bound
- Alex Geraghty: 1:28 is the most adorable clip😍
- Patrick: 4:37 and kids, that’s how i met your mother
- monobrauen zwerg: we own it
- Vivek Rocks: can anyone tell me when was the clip in 2:40 streamed?
- Roach DoggJR: FeelsChristmassyMan
- Cobrax: 4:59 Janet: Do you like to play with me? Toast: Do you suck? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
- jmaishere: apparently some of their fans are stalkers and got banned for some discord stuff
- Jinx: They were dating from the start.
- kahara: these two are already together but can't officially go public because some of their fans are so into it they become stalkers
- Bishops: Patrick omg my heart is melting
- xLegitUnicorn: 3:18 literally nothing tops this
- Jaylord Cruz: 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮
- Sponge Cake: they are adorable together in a weird awkward way wish them the best
- andoni corcobado: i know thats why the /s :p
- Jose: Is Joast still a thing?
- SkChaos: "I'm from Toronto and I moved here too" Janet "When did you move here" Toast "When you moved here" Janet "So what?" Toast "I know everything" Janet
- Dread Pirate Robert: 10:23 😍😍😍
- Jira josue: 3:24 OMEGALUL
- Eric Tanguilig: fuck I feel so single
- killermine: +BW Tsk tsk their just jealous and have different views of them and different values
- RebelOfTheWorld: santiago Cavanagh google the lyrics
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Toast and Janet - Best Joast Moments | |
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