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Tags:pokimane,pokimane using filters on stream,pokimane made violet hair,pokimane using filters on twitch,poki blue hair,poki,poki violet hair,poki dog filter,poki ninja filter,pokimane filters,pokimane twitch filter,pokimane thicc,pokimane funny twitch,pokimane filter compilaiton,pokimane twitch,pokimane stream,pokimane highlights,pokimane blonde hair,poki goes blonde,poki blue hairline,poki haircut,pokimane cute,poki monka,pokimane monkaS,pokimane frizen,poki and fed,poki and fedmyster,foki,foki moments,pokimane thicc moments,poki violet hair,pokimane violet hair,pokimane filters on stream,pokimane filter stream,poki filters on stream.
Please watch: "Jakes gets JEBAITED | Poki x Greek | Jake and Kana | Jodi copy pasta rap"
- Prodigy Lighter: how she do that???
- sulaiman alakbary: It is funny 100% when you train your brain to always look at the positives and laugh. So for me I was dying throughout this video, I wouldn't if I saw this video 2 years ago.
- microRiZu: Soo she's a twitch thot or a normal gamer girl?
- Games With Freja: how do you do that lmfao
- Kellen Mead: 2:00 when poki turns into an egg from shellshockers
- Andrew Thivierge: 0:42 a grimlin
- Zair Khan: Face filters on Instagram today
- Husky cz: She is so cute 😍
- LUXER 15: 0:03 Y O G U R T
- Sa ra: I thought about that dumb ass spider from courage the cowardly dog
- Ya suo: You look like blake griffin but a girl version 1:07
- Kronic: Hey look I'm tux bird pass those pwates!!!!
- Greg Ouellette: 4:04 is when a pornhub add pops out of nowhere during nonut
- prOzLikeBetterThenME: 1:09 - you're welcome ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
- Digg Dogg 3000: 5.14 sasha banks
- Nicole LACAY: Shes annoying egg hahaha
- Chickydre e: 2:13 Humpty Dumpty has existed in real life
- Korviz: First one is best
- Fahed Jajana: 10:15 when it's picture day
- ZedOrFed Zone: on 1:20 she looks like dildo
- I'm a fucking idiot but I think that: Nice
- Kenjy: she has views cuse she is a girl, no one really likes her
- Ahrin: 1:50 私は卵
- FernandoYT Playz: Thicc As
- Dylan Fraser: U ugly
- Random kid down the street: +David Nally when someone takes something to seriously
- Lenny Summers: 00:43 she looks like the fish from megamind lol
- Sleeky Fox: without makeup????
- Remzoh: Poki cute with every filter lmao
- Blackbird: Nah more like an arrow pointing down.
- Deegan Mason: I can’t take her seriously when she is asking about the French tv show thing
- TaPe_kake: the cardi was the knot on her head lmao XD
- Seth Wainwright: 1:08 is now my wallpaper
- Lord Ximenez: Humpty Dumpty
- Luke Wulff: She has the big gay like I can’t watch her without cringing
- YourBoyBallen: See so thick
- marcel huemer: kys
- Rakin Busaidy: Yees Yoghurt
- Eclipse: *Thicc poki online* 1:16
- Ex Lxst: I found this video so cringe she just tries to hard to be funny and her laugh sounds so fucking fake
- Killocious: 3:38 Okay..... problems
- Toad boi: she looked like stitch
- HypeRacer: how did she get the filters i want them plz tel meh hao
- Milan _Hungary: Dont forget no nut november!!
- Dr. Remade: Opening stream: Sees talking egg Closes stream:
- X energy: She use autotune lol :v
- Alleged Knight: Is this snapchat?
- nut cuck: I don't know bout you but I can smell color
- Pedro Rodrigues: btw do you know the filter name?
- Blyet Man: 1:21 dick he4d
- Blackbird: +ScripT shit never thought about that...
- Emil La.: The cat is just trying to sleep and then *Clap* then it woke up like "wtf was that!?" 11:51
- m7md jama: 2:36 stream sniping
- Zombiestain: OfflineTV haHAA
- T3M Clan: 5:04 ali a
- CH NICK: Open your mouth for my cock
- Giovanni Gastelum: majesticツ Want to play tell me ur epic
- - LyteZ -: Me: laughs out of nowhere Friends: What are you laughing about? Also Me: 3:18
- SUPER E.J: Waaaassssssaaaaaabbbbbbbbiiiiiiii🍊🍊🎃 Like IF u seen
- Typical Nerd: 12:30 I wonder who kissed their monitors. Lmao
- AyJay: Next Video “ *Pokimane Breathes On Stream* ”
- Castor 2K16: damn she looks good with purple hair tbh
- Mc MASTER: 1:20 sorry but.she.looks like a dick
- Tio Quack Moreira: 11:26 é o calango CTZ KKK K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K. K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K
- Guillaume Cerniaut: 2:30 Something like "Les têtes à claques" i think
- henkarars: She is hot but so cringe
- Cole Powers: Yogurt... UAHHHHHHH
- kai square: Whats the app for this
- Rasse Kukkis: NON STOP NOEMBER
- Florin - Fortnite: Probably iphone user coz u did not finish the comment
- E N I G M A T I C: She laughs at E V E R Y T H I N G 🙄
- FTL TheGamingDJ: Still think she thicc now
- Niiru: 3:32 I didn't know they have a Benedict Cumberbatch filter.
- coyox: How does sie do this
- PieceOfCandy: keem>this thot
- Chris: What’s that filter called at 4:45
- Darky !: 0:42 Venom
- Takoda soda: That makes me sick L0L
- Jared Cruz: I'm not in love with Poke after this 1:53
- R.I.P xXx xXx o: 1:21 thats look like an dick
- PÃŃÇÅKĘ: *help me*
- Ero_c: i got 5 ads wtf
- Quinnycooper: 1:51 an egg
- ClevererCash64 YT: WTF
- Jhin Virtuoso: 0:06 the cat
- Joseph Valadez: I knoww
- SullyGoesOff: Ok YouTube I finally watched this shit...
- Mason Goodson: Annoying orange
- Jaadu: what software is she using
- Austin Schaefer: 1:53 Doctor Robotnik?
- Jamar chery: She was talking about annoying orange
- Tazmanian40: 1:41 to 1:44 anyone see that second dog filter like someone was there?
- なんでもない: Let me fix the Ninja part real quick. *I'm sorry what* *I had turbobuild* *Stream sniper* *U getting banned* *I HAD A COUPLE DRINKS OKAY?!* *why am i still getting hat...* _Wait_
- zilia hui: Remember she said ... egg , sure she is one xD
- KoiFlow: She is having way too much fun
- Vesace Sayin: Xd 420
- Akshay: She sounded like Lily with the Egghead on wtf
- Gaming Star: 1:41 Ghost!?
- JustOneHookAway: 4:53 just Stop right there...we doin it boys
- Cristopher Ayala: 4:03 Yogurt
- ThePlayerXx2: Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle
- Gabo Ferbap: Caranchoa
- another nobody: I ain't no retard
- Antwane Calloway: Humpy Dumpty lookin ass
- killerboss 23: Quit the cat trying to sleep girl
- BlueDevil9898: She’s so dry. Wouldn’t have fans if she was ugly
- Shak0x AP: 1:12 Dig Bick Your that read wrong You read that wrong also
- jpylkkanen: She's legit just a fucking bitch with a pretty face
- Isaiah Rivera: poki😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😋😋😋😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
- The jg guy: Cringe
- Nathaniel Fernandez: Annoying orange or sum 00:42
- DBO ZAP: 1:06 smash
- Shinymew121: Anoying orange
- FoxyCobra: It's either that or tete a claque. idk, is annoying orange french? She mentioned french
- TerranTXL: The cat is watching lol
- Finn: After the first time it really gets old
- Cean56: 5:23 im doin just fine baby how about you
- MrDefault: 6:49 Mr Beast?
- ImELFY: The egg one looks so real
- [Gmd] Benis: oh my fucking god im going to kill myself holy shit
- Unicorn Pug: u were anoyying orange
- supreme.chris 123: The fruit that looked like you with the egg filter
- Brad Manning: I did a little digging I think I found it check out the following link: https://www.engadget.com/2018/10/26/twitch-snap-camera-snapchat-augmented-reality-filters/ I just typed in twitch filters on the internet
- ilias dolaplis: 2:09 "me without make-up''
- Skylander Boys: Very my dude
- A_CamillaFlower: ' I decided ro stream with no makeup' BITCH THEN HOW DID THAT CAT EYE GO ON THERE????
- Eymenkingen: O:42 Leviathan
- Michael Arellano: 5:03 blob fish lol
- JoshuaYoutube: 00:8 she looks like butt cheecks
- kimberly patterson: Annoying orange
- Pepe the frog: 3:35 when your poop doesnt Come out
- Random Guy: I see
- H1 Z1: +FBI yes it is ninja simp
- Grand Daddy Gavin: whαt αrє pєσplє dσíng thєѕє dαчѕ tσ gєt vєíwѕ
- Zach Lebria: It’s Annoying orange.
- Safyaan Hussain: Ooo she’s hot
- MingusDingus: I just noticed, Pokimane looks exactly like my cousin... What the actual fuckity bum???
- Beto Braga: Her voice is so sweet
- smolgrekboi: Z achatron fbi this Post right here
- Prodigy Lighter: i wanna do that on my streams
- Khadril: Lordzik44: opluted
- polson:3: 8:15 when you eat a lemon
- Bünyamin Acar: 0:50 song pls
- Vortex: what did she use to get these LOL i need it
- Entice: 0:04 she looks cute
- Rayz TheStalker: 0:45 i like that tham kench loock
- james DATOR: 1:23 it looks like she’s pulling out the middle finger with her head
- Nole: 0:47 u mean Roz from Monsters Inc? The one that goes "miiiiike wazoooowski"
- league of minecraft :D: 2:20 world record egg
- MemeGodz 420: 4:04 "yogurt, uhhhhhhhh!!"
- NateHiggers: These damn twitch thots
- Syane: 3:35 gawd a dino
- Space Husky: Was she talking about annoying orange
- VpK.R3: her hips are so thicc
- sysocks: 0:43
- Moe Lester: 3:35 she just turned into brittany venti
- George Raison: 7:25 the cat left in the background must be getting so annoyed
- Smile: 1:41 I think her house might be haunted...
- Normi: I was looking at the cat half of the time
- Daniel Williams: 4:04 Yogurt OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
- redfox99: Are you an elevater couse i want to go down on you
- FDC Eclipse: I would still bang old Pokimane
- Turtle Games&More!: 4:03 *ADORABLE LOL*
- Poyato: 2:05 She's not wearing makeup again?
- nate hanns: Lol
- Ninjas Hyper: 0:04 that's normal because she talks soo much
- Firesult: OMG 3:30 to 3:50 looks like squidward on drugs.
- R4Z0R TM: *PoTaTo* song running in background
- Cazer GT: 1:08 the shapes like d*ck
- DarkFoxZz: Ho on youtube and search up baba ram rahim you will find it
- I missed: 4:37 what filter is that?
- Mister Sir: What is she using to do this?
- Noah Mullins: 03:23 ITS ANNOYING ORANGE
- Roman Vasquez Murillo: No comment Wait
- Gold RsR: At 9:03 did anyone else immediately think she looked like rook from R6 and then she mentioned black ops and cringed smh
- lolmaniwillplay12: i hate her way of talking so much
- Random Guy: 9:32 Rifty has joined the chat
- WhyYouGlad: 4:02 - Yogurt *eats yogurt very aggressively* BAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
- Ebs 101: Omg u said emotimon.. Emoticon honney!
- Brxce Breeze •: She so not funny kms
- BITCH lasagna: 9:10 pubg spretnaz helmet lvl 3 whatever
- DaikaijuZilla2003: Who else lost no nut November? Lol jk
- Carson Wentz: When you first find filters
- Bradley Le: 2:20 tell her it's annoying orange
- TheGbomb28: Fuck ninja
- Big Chungus: that laugh is way too fake
- The Emperor: 2:43 ninja filter?
- Nooshiii: 3:20 TRYNa be FUNNY
- Guz: 1: 08 lookin like a arrow sign
- Truperymanx 65: 5:13 kokomi teruhashi
- Laser Shark: how do you do this
- Mbraves20: She low key salty about those keem star tweets
- Dab Like Panda: Can We Get 10k Subscribers With No Video Fam ? That’s actually boldy
- GhostMonkey: 0:43 it looks like the smile off truth or dare
- Lit Dank: 2:03 is that a fking kinderjoy.
- Walid tide podes fan WALID BT: I did not give a shit about her i kept looking at the cat
- Yeet Table: She's so cute!!
- DillGrottin: 00:42 lowkey looks like hollowhead
- Shani: u hop in her stream rn wyd
- Hectic: Stream sniping lol
- VLI DuperX :-: pippelinaama
- Emet Gaming: What is this filter thing?
- 100 Subs without a video: 1:06... Is that a dick?
- Issa Supreme: Poor cat in background
- michelle dietrick: 0:03 had me dead
- nirvanluu: She is cringy
- Riley Bauman: "Not wearing make-up" 5:45 bitch who u foolin?!
- bibou Plays: 12:50 its called that bcuz it makes ur head look like a peanut
- Bardia Tube: she is having way too much fun like god intended xD lol 1:41 it was glitching out the white and black is for the second person only xD lol
- Lars Karl Petersen: Is there any “tenso” apps like this 5:24?
- Nya PAW: What app?
- NATE HIGGERS: She is a new character annoying egg
- Marko GV: 2:36 ninja from Amazon
- Steph: how did she do this?
- Trident: in one of the filters she looked like a dick
- Cyan: what did she use
- idi naxui: disgusting girl
- FLAME CRAFT: your funny
- Edwardlazer: PokiTHOT
- Jeje Cornelisse: How to edit like that??
- 7Bloo: how did she do this
- Aquis: my right ear is pleased .
- Landon Greyeyes: Shes tic
- Ziffly: Normie Humor Disgusting
- Angelo: +Luer96 how can dat nigga have a pussy and a dick 😂
- Kuha levänen: 1 more day of the worst month of my life (no nut)
- Ezekiel Colcord: how is that a ghost
- oReD_ Mortal: 1:07 why does she look like an downward arrow XD
- Faze KevinFranco: 13:19 that were it starts
- nilsthatboi: I really want to meme her
- duminsev __san: 0:02 hella cute
- RoyalCheetah: 0:47 she looks like crazyfrogvevo
- CrashDragoon 127: At 4:49 i wonder what she can fit in her mouth 🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨
- Isak Fikke: u did me dirty
- DYNO: These are snapshat filtres wtf
- My Stories: 0:14 WHO'S THAT WAS THAT A GODDESS?!
- Smoosh Goo: omg that cat in the background is so cute
- Geniks: She's so beautiful :O
- NBD Voidd: Lmao my ass of
- Neluv: Does poke use a compressor? She is so loud some times D:
- Hi to people watching: Plz stream all day with the ninja one on
- WTF Cringes: 🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍑🍑🍑🍑🍑🍑🍑
- Greenintomy: 4:58 she can at least fit 4 dicks in her mouth
- Waylon Perez: 4:05 omega lul
- Blackbird: +NoLimitGamer yeah, probably 😝 I don't think she knows a lot about games. Just the casual popular ones everyone knows lol
- Yazenobu GameRecords: Search “pokimane” in yt
- xMPB: im waiting for **pokimane breathe mid stream** video hope it will be soon
- Dank Shi: Annoying orange
- Dylan Fortner: Annoying orange
- Ar qq: 2:36 Ninja has left the chat
- Mlg_Ghost: We got him boys we got the ghost when poki pulled out the dog filter
- Flaming Churro: +monk its a joke
- GNARWHALGAMINGANDSTUFF ITS A SECRET: How the hell are you everywhere and getting around 1k to 3k likes almost every comment you make?
- MANNY WLAKER: Just watched the meme👌🏽👌🏽👌🏽🤣🤣🤣
- Krisztian Camacho: 4:19
- Wes Collins: Fucking thot, no good gameplays, only focused on herself, screams so much... Fucking atentiion whore.
- KreekCraft's Baby: 5:05 *everyone clicks off stream*
- leighton tata: go solo
- watermelontheguy: poki has cancer 1:50
- Tri ket: Pokthicc
- Echo: 1:10 she is a dick xD
- Dank doodle Jesus: Happy :D that dick head u mean
- KrypticKid: My right ear loved this video
- Brendan yuan: This is how ur dick see ur gf
- Cristian Avelar: 11:27 poki wit no makeup
- Joy of Killing: 2:39 sTrEaM sNiPInG
- Inphulse: +Cammie woosh
- Shadow Nickstar: Is this a app
- R.I.P X: she cant take the no make up filter off xD
- Ace familylove: 4:20 YOGURT BLANABSODJCHC
- VEZ3R Wolf: 3:39 Is that sid from ice age
- _boogie boi_: 1:41 did you see another dog face pop up above poki
- Rizki kurniawan: 5:31 when her parents not at home
- D.R.T fan 11: Annoying orange!
- Bo Jordan: 3:31
- Monst3r: 1:13 She looks like dick
- Jordan_IsBored: U perverted lil bitch XD
- Avalanche: play minecrafft
- Blame The Flame Beatrix Infinite: Her room is so Sloppy its disgusting
- Kaizu: *E G G*
- Hectorino 375: 5:49 i dont know why I couldn't stop laughing
- Cristian Avelar: Her without makeup
- Beholder: You're so adorable in many many ways and fun to watch <3
- Valto: haHAA
- Bollas: yes
- Reflexay: Stolen comments from a top comments and she said that joke just before she used the Filters
- FreshGamer: 0:47 Answer to her question - A FUCKING THOT!!!💯 Facts
- Toowo: this hoe needs a big cock in her mouth
- Krisp: 3:32 lookin like sid from ice age
- Mr V: turn to left
- RJ Balloue: Thiiiiiiccccc
- FaZe Taylar: OMG this is so funny pokimane I love this vid, keep on the grinding 😄
- Elite RC’s: Our generation is ruined
- TorchFour: actually me
- Christian Hammond: poki is vaping
- Blackbird: You make no sense, go out sometimes, virgin weeb.
- Oh Yeah Yeah: JOHN 垃圾 lmao
- RIP MAC: The thing u were saying it was annoying orange that's what the egg looks like
- Onexi: is it an application for do thisin live?
- Miguel Angel Buritica Rincon: 9
- •ᴥ• •ᴥ•: LMAO
- Shwifty: this guy gets more views than me in like x300 views
- FenerX: thot
- 3p1ks: 5:36 The camera following her head is so trippy.
- Vixon: *omega gae*
- Sufremo: 3:51i feel weak
- SlapRB: 1:41 there is a ghost
- PotatoBoii: 11:46 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
- Kaevrex: 5:24 tsm pokimyth
- exortist: How do you use filters on a computer cause shes moving her mouse
- responding: Oops wrong side of youtube
- Laura Rodriguez: 2:14
- scammer get scamm: Pok is hot with the big face
- Jxhn's Hacks: autocorrect is bitch I said TIDIES
- oraspberrry :?: 6:44 she a money gun
- plz26 plz26: Only "content" besides her standing up with her "thiccness?"
- Ademir Martinez: most of pokimanes subs and viewer's 70% people that think she is hot and stuff 10% tollers other 20% people who actually watch the videos and support
- 1969man: sorry i liked it without seeing it said 69 then i had to take away my like yourwelcome
- Egg with 4k subscribers?: 4:03 YOGURT, AH SHITTTTTTTTTT
- Toaster: People can actually sit here and watch this annoying twitch thot?
- boi succ an egg: Why is this something worth making a video on?
- Caleb: 1:06 looks like a dick head
- PinguLOL 12321: 2:22 Annoying Orange
- Cypherus: This girl makes me want to kill myself.
- photos and games00: Sorry but 1:22 her face looks like a penis lol
- Jacob Adams: it's not fortnite so trash
- Titanium Flips196: Was I the only one who thought you could clicked this 5:22
- edgar 79: At 3:45 Shes double jointed
- MEEPMAN212 XboX: Pokimane sucks big eggrolls
- exy: 0:47 Venom
- Depressed Cat: Oh didn't see you there, so how's life
- Jaehyun Jong: is she high?
- Random Guy: Ok
- Mitsy Fernanda: TheAmazingChicken lmao
- - BLUE -: she's so cringe and she screams to everything, jesus.
- Freshmaker Gaming: Loved the first Filter:D this Video was so funny:D
- Random Guy: I have a question for you, if the grocery store is 1 mile away and the average adult can walk 4 miles per hour. Then why has it been 12 years since you left to get milk?
- Fuzz Wuzz: 9:28 *Howard the alien starts intensifying*
- Atheer321: Epix No Csgo
- Galaxygunner: 13:19 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
- Xura: 5:13 what's this song??
- Cretan Leader: She salty keemstar got her ass
- PotatoBoii: 11:59 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
- Blackbird: She never said that it was from black ops. She just said she will play the game with this filter.
- ArafatPlays: Only real gamer kiss their monitor
- King Of Chickens: Around 1:42 theres a weird thing where theres another dog on top of her lmao
- Kaneki Ackerman: I wanna see poki in a thanos filter
- Woogie: 9:11 it actually looks and sounds like she would hit the helmet
- David Axelsson: Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle
- Hellen Alvarenga: Its a ghost 1:40
- Supreme Turtlez: Kys
- 26744 with no videos: If she’s a dog, and a girl, doesn’t that mean she’s a bitch??!?!!!?!
- MoonK: i fucking hate this bitch
- The new one: My channel is Justin the fortnite kid no spacers
- Yur__mum247: Her and sssniperwolf are very similar
- Rhanel Games: 3:33 The guy from Infinity War without a nose, the grey guy wut
- noble?: 4:03 *yogurt*
- steven Ramirez: 2:36 "stream sniping"
- Papa Carlos: I almost made a tik Tok hanging myself when I saw purple hair
- TPC_ Izack: Poor Cat
- Cold Paradise: 4:56 i want in........
- Dr. Adict: If you pause it at 1:41 you can see that Loki’s forehead is so big the filters think it’s another head lmao😂😂
- lastborndog 23: That twelve year old probably can't watch ur stream in no nut November
- Quail: i want to die
- Snazzy Snazzer Gryphon: She
- Blue_ Gaming: At 13:19 she’s coocoo
- Ethan: Her laugh is kinda creepy....
- Titanium Flips196: Humty dumpey sat on a wall humpty dumptate sat on pokimane at 2:01
- Op2Kingdom: Pokimane looks like stich from lilo and stich 0:50
- SLiK __: 4:54 I'd still smash
- Bhag: 3:40 was the Imaqtpie filter.
- Cloudy: How did she do this
- Epic BountyHunter: 1:09 how Asians actually look like
- JSDog128 youtube: Annoying Orange!
- Sniperfox306 Trent: Solo switch recorded this to get likes and subs it doesn’t say her chanell
- Dre_ xD: *øøf*
- David Castro: What software is she using?
- Rekken and Yu: 5:06 is that Gabby tho :^)
- FW Rob: 1:50 is some Eggclusive content right there
- Noddy da Homeboi: 1:20 her fucking head looks like a dick..
- Yukiho chan: Lol what
- Minti Tomato: poki doesnt look that bad
- maiiso: cringe
- Prosper38 Challenge: KoiFlow ikr I wanna beat tf out of her
- Toasty_: Annoying orange
- DeViAnT: 5:53 nice mouth you got there but backup
- LEGIT NESS: Hide ui Who wants to hide ultra instinct nigga what
- Bloxy: thought it said big black
- TheKnightDrag0n: What a damn monstrosity.
- PatchGritixX: ok YouTube I watched it are u happy
- Gyu Bhin Kim: poki failed no nut November 2:19 lmao
- Bob Ross: Shes trying to get a piece of keemstar
- Thot Slayer: you disgust me
- Kamarion Brewster: cringe
- Marc: Metro Boomin - Offset - Ric Flair Drip
- TMASK DE BOI: She shouldn't make fun of no nut November she doesn't know how hard it is for us boys
- no no: No
- TomasLEGOyt Productions: snapchat
- Jg1105: poki a thot
- Tombstomer47: There it go *S.T.R.E A.M. S.N.I.P.I.N.G*
- ZektRom28 Phenom: egg head lmao
- Clutch Mystical: Watching pokimane on no nut November
- Epic King12332: hahahahahha
- ReinCloud: 3:18 me having a funny thought in my head but I can't say it or i will get in trouble
- Muhit Alam: She looks exactly like selena gomez in 4:36
- Kid Destroyer 059: Travaphobia 0 what does it mean
- Thecool Gamer: I need friends 😓😓😓😓😓😓😓😓😔😔😔😔😔😔😓
- OulinedZebra: Annoying egg
- Itz Just Christopher: 3:35-3:50 my sister looks like this...
- greycat14 sam: anyone knows where she got those filters from ??
- Gabriel Hammoud: Hello
- Randomlot: What is the name of these filters what website
- derp1man: WAT IS THIS
- k e r m i t: What if ninja uses the hair filters on stream and doesn't even dye his hair
- Dragonseow A: She’s cute
- Smm y: 5:50 i have a lazy eye 😢
- Dope Side: Are we Twins?
- Javier S Calderon: 1:40 was that a ghost
- ThatOneGuy: How is this fortnite related??
- Blame The Flame Beatrix Infinite: Is she smelling her finger after every laugh
- bootlake nicolas: 1:23 dick ???
- ツIv PinG vI: 3:19 when im boutta tell my friend a funny joke
- Unity X // Migzz: She Venom Lmao
- Dan Reacts: when twitch works with snapchat
- joshua42087: 83:24 lol
- exmun life: ghost 1:40
- depersonalization: She deadass looks like my mom
- Aman HON: 0:54 like vecom
- CedGames: Channel Name: FORTNITE THING Video Content: Pokimane using Filters on Stream
- I'M THE LIT KING: its a glitch.
- Thomas Vue: Look at 1:40 that’s how you know she got a big head, because the other persons face went on her head 😂
- SnizzleTheSnail: This bitch is so unfunny my god.
- Jajaj Pppp: No hablo ingles asi que verga dice pero si esta buena
- Hayate Kabamaru: Y
- Luke Braham: 2:02 R.I.P HEADPHONE USERS ØØF
- Yax ox: "Me without makeup" "OH THIS IS ME WITHOUT MAKE UP" "Dead ass me without make up" "Keem exposed me hahaha" I feel like ur hurt 😔 And u should stop crying about being an egg, egg...
- 1K Subscribers with no Videos: when u get drunk
- ShiftedGamez: Dude omg I love this part
- TheChaos Assassin: 1:40 Sh*t did you notice there's another DogFilter God That's Creepy :0
- Bo Jordan: 4:03
- Jonathan Lopez: 0:42 she looks like a gremlin
- Exis Sway: yo anyone know what program she using? for fx
- Cordy Poo: That meme killed me *takes a bite* YOGURT MmmMMMMM
- Irfan Zuraimi: Smash or pass
- Alan B: 4
- degurechaff: 1:41 it registered another face?
- Creed: 1:54 **the autism strikes back**
- Mr Punch: ce fraiera ii smrrr
- Apollyon: why do people support girls like this on streming she isnt funny its cringe and she isnt showing tities id rather watch porn and support the real ones not this pretenders
- wilosony: She looks the best with this one 2:38
- Erick Soto-Martinez: Annoying orange
- Meme It all: 0:43. MIKE WAZOWZKI P.s.she has nice glittery eyes and nice hair I wanna meet her she seems nice🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂
- ItzShadow Gamer_YT: Jessica Soho
- na me: At 4:46 I could literally smell her stank Breath
- TheSavageBadger: JOHN 垃圾 there aren’t any tissues idiot
- snowball exe: 3:17 I think she farted xd
- Kashii plays: Gramlin
- LiL_B: No a D
- cool kids: The annoying orange
- TGK TheRoyalDorito: I mean she double snapped...
- StaySmooth: 99% sure she is using snap camera (https://snapcamera.snapchat.com/)
- Batman -kun: Very dude man
- Az Boomer X: Umm sry im late to the vid but um when she put the dog one on there was another one like white above her head and that signals that she has a ghost
- Green Lightning: 3:34 remember Sid from ice age?
- Sinacyl: 0:42 i think she was thinking about Venom. At least that's what I thought
- Marco Lollio: She just made me hate ric flair drip and not because i dont like poki
- Lilya ,: 5:07 looking like a juicy snack
- Blindness lol: 1:27 head Loki looks like a penis
- Nyx Nyx: 0:42 *She's already tracer...*
- Lazy Gaming: 3:46 ice Poseidon? OMEGALUL
- Alexx _2435: She gonna get copy righted, since she playin narcos
- Just Doge: Nie spodziewałem się Polaków na tym kanale
- Sa ra: oh no it was from billy & mandy
- YOUTUBE MEMES: 2:14 i had nightmares help me
- XENON: *_B E E P_*
- CookieJar: oh ee oo ah ah, ting tang* wada wada bang bang
- Gamer boy 69: Thanks for the nightmares
- Mr Pug: 11:31 poki with out makeup
- Libeer: no u
- Thenas88: 9:28 russle brand
- Bardia Tube: like god intended xD lol
- D4RK R34P3R: Oh my gawwwd rodney
- chicken snake: Annoying orange
- Mr8Ghostyy: that cat in the background....so cute
- Random Guy: 0:53 when your mum tries to be cool
- PLYXIA Gt: 5:35 is Lachlan
- APE: bro she is so fucking cringy
- Die Now: Overused dead meme
- Mint Playz: Anyone Notice The AutoTune? 🤔
- G R A C E: Her laugh is annoying 😒
- TIFANY MAYUMI: Someone please tell me the name of this filter
- xopK9: 4:30 looks like gloom
- spongebob fagpants: Its not di-delivery its digiorno
- ignas ltu: Lol
- Keasia Gray: oof Overflow your welcome😂👌🏾
- kitten the little witch: what's the app for filter?
- GD PotatoBoy: 1:09 ITS 2 BOOTIFUL
- Nikos Kesidis: 9:09 XD dafuq?
- Matyas Lednicky: 12:53 Classic anime hairstyle
- 3p1ks: No actually FBI.
- Morgan Taylor: Lmaooooooo some fat Asian guy showed up
- giogio garay 3rd: lol i have dem glasses i brought them to school
- Abby Lalalove: At 4:20I kept laughing I couldn't
- Petio 'TerroionixS' Georgiev: 1:40 GHOSTS
- Christian Playz: He already did
- XxREXx420xX300 YT: Gay orange
- xXsquidzeri Xx: u kno how the boy birds are prettier than girl birds. Thats with humas too. Like all the girls like dunk their face in makeup whiel boys just run a comp through their hair and done
- Shane Weaver: 2:16
- Mazked: 1:40 dat ghost wanting to get in the vid
- ExtRa: ...
- FeStiVe YT: Annoying orange
- Pure HD: annoying orange
- Abdullah Alnuaimi: annoying orange
- krish munshi: ROOK MAINS RISE UP
- Amv Yungsaphars: 9:10 cringe!
- Ethaniel Tan: Isnt it annoying orange??
- Azz: she missed the chance to say "the fuck you say to me you little shit" as ninja
- Erőspista: 1:41 THERE IS A GHOST!!
- BasicRepeater: I turned on loudness equalization and her laugh still made my ears bleed wtf
- Lokillox- San: Oh you know ksp too, nice ;)
- Dual Shock: XD
- TrippieSam: Her Eyes Look Fire With The First Filter
- NoLimitGamer: 9:02 Please someone tell her that that is not Black Ops but Rainbow Six Siege!
- snazzer boi: Is her cat a poki breed of cat?
- Alphakite :v: Wtf why is a female (pokimane) talking about no nut november?
- Dr. Apple: 8:19 poki in smash bros
- Albert Vaimoli: Nicola Anderson what?
- Breezy: how does she do this
- Don0van 4life: Anoyying orange poki
- Drax: 9:02 she looking like rook from rainbow six siege
- Corn flakes: im iskared for life
- 1K Subscribers with no Videos: now when ever i see poki all i see is a bald egg
- GothicSocietyClan: what is this xD
- nova change: the egg one had me weak LOL
- Eli Wincel Games: 12:00
- Jipz: That second the filter turns of and you realize how stupid you look
- Gaspar Boys: 1:12 ummmmmmmmm looks like a........ u know what
- Jokerjust Pokedhe: Around 1:40 the other filter coming on is weird bc no1 is the I understand it can be something like a face but look it was above the chair
- foxypop: Annoying orange
- MrZapNubZ: Where can i download dat filters?
- HEAVY SPACE: Ninja has 1000 health each like does 1 damage help me defeat ninja before it’s to late Yes I liked my own comment
- Sell This: imagine a filter that removes make-up .... RIP poki
- dicko mode: What has our life become
- uhohz: "Worth having as fans" Something about fame puts these people's head space in la la land
- Axel Sotelo: I would still fuk her with filter or no filter
- David D: Why do girls find these so funny...Never really thought they were taht funny
- Hezalez Playz: Sorry but property isn’t funny
- 1000 subs No video?: 1:40 you guys see the second dog?
- Sanstar: Pokimane moves two inches
- 3p1ks: 2:36 If Ninja was in Roblox.
- goldenkid 2006: When poki used ninja filter she should of said stream sniping
- ItzDragon: She has 2 eggrolls on her head.
- Matteo Khawam: Can you speak franch just 1 stream more
- Bicboi0501 KΔϺI: 2:30 what if someone random just joined at this moment what would you do?
- Infamous Rogue: Id smash
- Joshua Oliveras: ok, what is she using and what is it called!? LMAO.
- Kario Senpai: How
- 我一巴掌给你: Ghost
- sushipeguy spg: Feel old yet
- A COC trophy pusher vbuckz: Rip head phone users
- DyGan Thorn: What software or website is she using?
- FelineHYPER: Thottillus Maximus
- Ernestiche: 5:49
- Sekal Piškot: speakerjunkie e this comment is way too true
- John Whitefish: Pokimane without makeup 2:24
- Angel Jimenez: she look cute with purple hair
- Pokekrusher 89: She was clout chasing keemstar hard this video
- Teenix: 0:50 crazy frog lookin boi
- Raffi Miah: Jk
- A M: hows the dog filter a thot filter?
- Kanye South: 2:18
- snorlax543: Bruh she doesn’t know annoying orange
- Zamtsu YTB: Easter Egg 😂
- the ugly kid: How did she do this
- eqx.Andre: She is so funny.NOT She has autism
- Xero Z: 666 likes, don’t ruin it
- William Keh: Wet pussy
- MinecraftboyGamer123: And the cat in the back casually ignores her. #CatNaps
- TheAmazingChicken: 6:14 pokimane without makeup
- AndreXGamer: She looks so pretty. Mbn🤗
- FTmike27 FNBR: She sounds like Sssniperwolf in this video lol
- thijm bens: OmegaLuL
- SearchForMOre Gamin: how she do that egg shape filter i want it!!!!
- YYomaa: 1:51 pokimane without makeup
- VintagePlayz: 1:20 she looks like a down arrow
- SeBaS YT: What happend if he do her ass more big :)
- Chocolate Pudding920: What is she using to do the filter
- Toxic Sl4yer: 3:34 asians when they get the best score out of the class
- Gfljones: 12:30 yo they really lost
- Refugio Rico: F in the chat for this kid
- Norc: what program is this
- Barney Trần: You look so cute
- CraZzy Carter: What app on computer does she use
- long slong: 4:20 is what you would look like if you did 10 lines of cocaine and 20 blunts a day
- pappi: hypoctrical thot
- Sky Clad: What if a cross eyed person used a cross eyed filter🤔 *Has science gone too far...*
- Jaje na oko: 0:24
- Poizon YT: 8.5 k deserve more subs bam subbed
- pau mung: doesn't her face look like a dick at 1:06
- Toxic F4NG: is this her failed attempt at comedy?
- Patricio_099: 11:46 feminist XDDDDD
- •Kookiez•: 1:52 Annoying Egg?
- Validate: "I wanna say thottie but not im actually just memeing" Or really whamen?
- Potato King: 3:30
- One swedish Shibe: Yos
- Jan Viveros: RIP SHOTGUN PLAYS 1 year diff don’t worry man you’ll get here she your chick RIP THO
- сука блять: Sorry to brag, but I got the 100th like
- 01010010 011110010110001 01101110 01011010: egg head
- Dawid Qwerty: M
- Brendan Belden: Dope Side maybe
- Ireallydontknow whattoputhere: I wonder what would happen if she used it on her pubes
- Not Savage1313: Lol 4:01
- Gays Gays: 1:34 T H O T D E T E C E D
- IKBENAMAT GT: in dutch omegalul means Bigg ass penis xD
- Maximilian Schäfer: Fucking clickbait Thumbnail u should go kys thx
- im Hi: 1:11 her head shaped like a vase
- Armandas Augustinas: 1:40 GHOST
- Julio Pedroza: She's HOW TO BASIC
- xovertime: 13:18 is the best part
- Robin Hood_XD: 0:46 she is ugly for once
- Behold: 1:07 she looks like Texas
- That_Asian_Guy J: Aeyla Farron so goddamn me bro
- Ishaan Walia: 5:51 O R G A S M
- marjorie strickland: That purple hair on her looked 😍
- Atheer321: TSP Henspens What do u not fuxking understand its CSGO
- Cammie: MihaiGRN no she only Shaked her head thats why dummy XD
- Dominik Fišer: 3:40 that filter should be called doublelift
- devo: i actually thought that she was wearing a helmet because of the sound of her headset lmaoii
- Joey: Fuck pokimaine she friend zones everyone
- Matt v Gaming: Using snapchat for the first time be like
- EndSoldier: i dont get why shes laughing all the time....its not funny
- dt worst mode: its funny coz she is trying to act like she doesnt care about hate XD
- What'sMyUserName ?: 1:05 That's What I call Thicc
- Dark Zlayer: Im aaaaaalways waaaatching
- Koala. Just a koala: Krisp bravo 👏👏👏
- black ash x: OMG A ghost at 1:41
- Cindy: +MCDragonScorpion how?
- Joshua Griffiths: Annoying orange?
- Mr. Gangster Man: 2:45 stop stream snipping
- Banunu: 2:15 im dying.
- Luksenburg00: Pokimane nudes. Look in link below. *See more*
- Youngest Fortnite God: 1:26 d head
- Kokshith Sagar: It would be very weird if someone walks in on you while watching it
- Ez Space: Who else would still eat her out
- Jake: noodles
- Richard Tew: That poor cat
- Inkling Gang: She looks like that girl, if you search up demented Dora 😂 Idk the memes actual name
- Chumybutton 2 chumybutton_2: She looks good with purple hair
- virgin boi: gtfo with this shit
- Ominous GamerYT: HARRYOTTER!
- 1969man: jk
- PlaG: Or rifty
- emir Pekova: 1:15 dickface
- [Gmd] Benis: hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha that's so funny. omg pokimane is bets forntie player hothothot
- Teannia Crawford: Annoying orange
- Jan Maverick: 1:19 ⬇
- Tazooui: yo where her legs thoo????!!
- The Watcher: 0:45 yourself
- lovely nevaeh: so sorry 100000000x
- Kenzo Kuamoto: 1:00 Raffa Moreira mano
- B A: what is she using?
- Daily dose of Fortnite: 1:52 come on poki it’s no nut November 😂
- Shay: 2:31 this thot without makeup
- Matej Raček: 6:15 song?
- lone wolf: Annoying oringe
- Random Guy: >:(
- ricegummy: talking orange
- dezznnuts the man: 5:24 crimson chin
- Simon Henry: .
- Ukko: 0:42 she looks like a goomba :D
- lil lucifer: I just watched an adult playin´ with filters for 13 min My life is sad
- QuadScooter _0: Why no makeup though
- Green Alph: What Programm ist she using i want to Download it pls someone tell me
- ChRiStOpHeR VeRgEli: TSM Myth lookin ass 4:03
- Jamar chery: I miss that show
- Joey Garcia, oh yeah yeah: FR!!!!
- Samuel Petrus: *You know it`s not no november* ?
- SuchPlaysHD Norsk gaming!: 2:35*MYTH LEFT THE CHAT*
- Daniel ProGGamer: What that mouth do?
- Sponge Cracker: Sorry poki but woman not funny now may you please make me a sandwich
- Red Hood: Here we go with the 9 year old going in the comments saying they love her and she’s thiccc and shit fucking little weirdos
- Angel Blumenkron: She has a ghost the dog filter caught it 1:40
- Unreal: 420
- Nate Lewis: 5:24 Me When I Try To Be Weird. Read More
- GrowHax: What the first filter call?
- Sharjeel Ahmad: Is this a software? If so PLEASE tell me the name of it!!!
- Annette Edwards: Poki had the wiz glasses on
- MaximilianMus Army: Ahmed Mode you forgot the time
- ByKun: What is the program ?
- Lmao Dexter: Every 5 year old when mom says no to vbucks 8:16
- Owen Wilson: Content
- SingLikeBirdy YT: Just...Fuvk
- thatsmadnessboi: -B E G O N E T H O T-
- Tombstomer47: 😂😂😂 I'm fucking Dead 💀
- Negronis: You niggas depress me with this shit
- Random Guy: 2:39 Ok what ever you say sempai ninja
- SxanBrxDY: How did she not know what annoying orange was
- oscy Boy: +Chimanbhai Panchal omega lol?
- Lucky: 3:30 - 3:43 cracked me up so hard LMFAOO
- Thecool Gamer: I have to try this 😂😂😂😂 this made me laugh
- Crow: 1:40 GHOST!!!
- Sonita Hor45: Warning: Do Not Watch While Drinking Water
- reee djsha: The day you realize how annoying poki is
- UnKnown Gaming: For those who didnt get it * *TEXAS IS A KIND OF COCK* COCK = CHICKEN 🐔
- Glossyomg45: OMG KreekCraft uses those
- Sleepless Rain: It's a down arrow
- Merk_ All: Lmfao
- Sp33d000M3Mon: 2:07 when you go through chemo
- kasper _076: In the first she looked like a frog
- Doc X: Is she 12 years old? Why does her room look like her daddy helped decorate it?
- Peco Master: +Streaky Jungle27 LoL
- Mohammad Thabet: She Look Like Crazy Froooooog
- Mohammad THE GHOST: Poki you look so cute wit cat filter
- the proud penguin: When you don't know what the fuck the video is about because you've been too distracted by the cat in the bottom left. 😂👌
- Excalibur 1: THOT
- Assxassin Hunter: 1:39 Ghost
- MIK342101: 3:33 poki with 0 makeup
- foxypop: Annoying orange
- Gabriel Hammoud: Cool
- Survivor 1000: *you looked like azzieland*
- Klentir: Omg ghot 1:41 :😮
- Xyro MastR シ: Then people laugh at my laugh
- Snickers: 2020: Pokimane TALKS on Stream **RARE**
- Atheer321: Marek u probably like Fortnite right?
- lotus3396 1: That show name is annoying orange
- White Crakkas: I don't think people get that 😂
- TRix_ Vortex7114: Does she mean annoying orange
- zilean: kaypea is better!
- Yuyu D.: +Mad Master no way that thot is a virgin
- Living Life: Dead 😂😂😂
- PiggyPlays: 1:40 the second dog is a ghost
- Rakan Xayah: who saw her cat in the background on the left too? XD
- Axel!: 1:50 If Donald Trump used that filter it would be the annoying orange.
- Klean_blade: My mom thought I was watching porn because of the screaming.
- White Walker: when you have the humor of a 5 year old
- børek: +sulaiman alakbary koreaboos are retarded they only understand "korean jokes" lololo
- Alexander Medina: no longer cursed images, cursed videos
- holy succ: 4:03 If you know Yogurt Man...This is Yogurt Woman
- Roman G: my left ear please
- The MoUsE JeRrY: 1:13 yo head look like A *DICK* Hahaha
- Twisted Panda: Annoying Orange
- James Perkins: She stole this from HellxRyan.
- I Am Da Goat: Did y’all see the ghost at 1:42
- Alina Echeverry: Hi
- Vuk Bukumirovic: 13 minute video about filter fuck this guy
- Andrew Gordillo: She looked like the cat from alice in wonderland 0:47
- OOF _Playz: 1:06 sorry to say it looks like a dick
- Mackan: 0:46 Its called a ball sack a shaved one
- vlad: it's tyler1
- Chimanbhai Panchal: Omega lol pls reply
- Jane and Kayla King: 13:19 my dreams
- Xtreme Cyycy: tfw you make over a thousand dollars sitting there being autistic because you a girl
- Flank: 11:21 Pokimane's mom reveal
- Thecool Gamer: That laugh thou😂😂😂😂😂
- Electrixx: 2:16 Humpty Dumpty
- Lucca Arrigoni: 4:03 MmmMMmmMmmMmM YOgGuUrRtT
- Sleepy Dude84: Finally, some wholesome content!
- Brothers Production: At 0.45 she looks like gloom
- Monarch Momonga: 3:33 Sinatraa
- Dr. Riddles: 5:26 Female Imaqtpie
- Battleback Battleback: 1:07 Tyler 1?
- Tub3r Elv3n: More like the spirt cat from Alice and wonderland
- TacTix Tofu: The egg filter looks like fousytube
- Moises Duarte: i want to throw up on my on lap
- Xyro MastR シ: 3:34 *THICC*
- Mark Merritt: 4:10 I was waiting for that
- Bryan Lucas: Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha?
- Anthony Castro: Her mouth seems hella moist 😋
- Ebs 101: 10:10 OMG i just lost my shit😂😂😂
- Shawdow Wolf: She’s fine
- 4 Skin: Kill me pls....
- DomagojLoL: lol guys put slow motion then try 1:41 when she did like dog one another one was keep showing ghosts confirmed jk but acually
- Conor O'Malley: mine is dead, got no grandparent left f
- caleb: como se llama ese programa?
- The Cyberninja: +Die Now still funny tho
- bananaCake: what is she using`?
- qAndrew96: 5:24
- DerDerCCX: the lusty argonian maid vol3 3:36
- Hayden Perrine: I found an undeveloped ape
- Fierce RHINO: 5:07 pokimanes true form
- Unity X // Migzz: 5:02 Pokiblobfishmane
- Sasho: 9:33 Howard the alien
- 750 subscribers Without any video: Why there is no *Ali-A here* *A really weird music start playing*
- Kesi: No thank you
- Strawberry: Poor Kitty cat.
- Hanz Villaluz: If she uses the small face filter on her butt would it look smaller too?
- mr bacon bits: this bitch mad annoying
- EXtinction: 13:19 thank me later
- Tyee_ Down: :)
- Doozy_01: its called nut because it makes you look like a peanut.... wow you're smart
- Christopher Romero: 2:44 stream sniper 😂😂😂
- Wuts: 1:35 *THOT FILTER* : On
- michelle hm: She isn’t even thick buhahahah
- Spooky boys: I wonder if she knows thay spam thicc in her chat sometimes
- Cornelius Nuttious: Girls with long nails are actual hoes. They fucks with everybody. Girls with short not done nails are the cool ones but lowkey freaks
- thelegendgoldc4: anyoying orange
- iRushQztexツ: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
- Terdfergesen YT: I’m a corpse
- Ritona: Thot
- Orangotang2k: i hate this bitch
- Lennix fenwick: At 1:18 her head looks like an arrow
- Righty: In 2x bruh😂
- Adrian alejandro Gomez: 1:05 a dick??? No its patrick
- cataypontin taypontin: Hi
- IcyAnimates: is that one filter supposed to be big nik
- its-scorpion Spear-yt: Evil pumpkin
- Rafael Quiroz: 1:41 there is a ghost in your room
- V0RT3X-Leo: new face filters on Instagram today
- Pugest pug: 1.23 that is wat you call a dickhead 4 real it looks like one
- Magneig: Omar savage oh thank you i *didnt notice it*
- Exxotik Moon: 1:41 *ghosts have entered the chat*
- FrickinDave: Basic white girl discovers Snapchat filters GONE WRONG
- PandePascua: Si ya con uno esta bien
- Keennness: Lol
- Geib ish: gawd her fucking fake laugh
- Scruggles 2: She broke my ears
- pappi: content...smh
- Subscribe if you like Ramen: 1:52 humty dumty didn’t die the book is a lie!
- Dubz: 12:22 I have no words...
- The Dark Fairy: Bro! I didn't fall for it! You got to do better than that!
- Yeet: fortnite ruined her comedy
- Z achatron: poki looking like my cousin
- Matas Nesvarbu: Woman aren't funny
- kmok: 1:42 A GHOSTT!!
- Tiger Man: 1:40 fucking ghost
- TheDirtKing 2.0: The show she was talking about was something like tele français.
- Cursed Krabble: 1:06 jacksfilms filter
- MahTeeTehk: 300 Likes Now because of me fam . Thumbs uo
- supreme team: 9:41 poki hotter feel me
- Isabella Rodulfo: Call 370 481 2618
- Jesse Tablet: Did anyone else notice the figure in the back ground on the dog filter
- Warden: wait poki does #NONUTNOVEMBER? 3:29
- GalaxyGhost302: *New face filters on Instagram today*
- Fewwey: snapcam
- Bosskillererne Zombiekiller: What is the filter called at 4:44
- Coldy: why is she screaming so fucking much like fucking stop
- FortZaReal is real: What is no nut November please tell me in my comments
- KinqsDead: 1:40 Casper?
- BeWaRe Jay: 1:07 at least she looks more like her ancestors Dude I'm fucked up
- Shazad jb: Omg i hate her sooo fuking much
- Paulius Paškevičius: 1:11 dick face
- Tiago Vidal: Kawaii
- Matthew Allen: 3:35 is that the dude of the goonies?
- Korma: She's just "Lil Bored" her own stream. Lovely
- Miraie: https://www.engadget.com/2018/10/26/twitch-snap-camera-snapchat-augmented-reality-filters/
- Iqro Junio: 5:53 i hope she sticks her tounge out and make that ahegao face
- Dandrew: Howww poki do it
- Overwatch Dog: 11:36 I guess they never miss *H U H*
- MCDragonScorpion: Snapchat recently made their filters available for PC.
- Remedy Boy: When you're trying to hit 'em yellow jackets :,) 9:04
- Aimless: +VortexFN cause she aint negative like u
- 煙328LilTentacion21: Shhe thicc👍👌👌👉
- Milky Way: u g l y s o u g l y g o a w a y o k k k k
- Athenas Nova: I wonder if her followers are actually virgins
- Gianfranco Muriel: Where i found this effects
- Dot Bot: Vergin alert 1:11
- df serge: 1:17 She looks like the grinch
- Buenosaurus Rex: 4:03 looking like the koopas from the live action Mario Bros. movie lol
- Tamez Tortilla: 02:16 lowkey finna have nightmares
- IceBreak: +Minti Tomato ikr I would smash
- Emilio Hernedez: She fine but still kinda cringe 😑😒
- Lil JR: she on drugs
- Dan gamz: WHY
- Bright_boys234 Boys: Anyone see the cat in the corner
- Charlie_ Nicholson: Peng
- Gaming Dog: E
- PhreezePhoenix: She actually looks really nice with purple hair
- ShAdESkyligツ: Can people sub to me plz?
- Magnus Truesdale: 4:56 = You're gettin dangerously close to vore territory here
- Angry Ninja: 1:41 Ghost?
- Quevax: For ninja it should have been “your getting reported for stream sniping”
- plewx: S H E A T H O T
- CookieJar: +Im Dronnu rite
- Fuzion N1nja: What is that feature
- Blackfauns: 2:56 the face u make when u get the 100 v bucks from the battlepass
- TaW Skxlly: I was listening to narcos when I was watching this what a coincedence
- K2J KeyJaY: This cat on the left is so sweet
- Jxhn's Hacks: her tissues are bigger when she use filters
- Rubenhasnosawg OOF: sket Is
- Undead Playz: If anyone wants to know what the software is, just ask me
- Chase Reed: Imagine joining the stream at 2:09
- Can we get 1000 with few uploads ?: SnapChat
- TejTripathy2004: 1:13 morrowind npc LMAO
- Manuel: 1:06 she looks like she has a d**khead
- JJ2Jupiter: what software is she using for this?
- s68v - Gaming: 1:30, She looks like Fed :0
- Blaze Maker: Is she talking about The Annoying Orange?
- Random Guy: Ok DAD
- Clonyer asqueroso fanboy de xbox one: She's hot
- Legend Geni: 1:21 The Greekgodx filter
- Oh Jeah jeah: 9:32 looks like baldi
- hello world: 2:00 I spit my cereal back into my bowl omg
- Shane Hight: How does she do that
- Ghost Eclipse: 0:40 when i tell a joke 1:27 when my friends tells a joke
- haystack kiwi: What a thot
- ShadowX: a
- YellowShiba: wait how does she do this
- Caleb Snyder: At 1:40 why was there 2 dog filters?
- Maexy: Humanitys peak of evolution
- Fewwey: snap camera
- Neal Louis: This gotten me interested in pokimane, still not gonna be horny 12 year old but I like pokimane more.
- PinguLOL 12321: +Life of Boris she said its an orange tho.
- Scavenger: lol cod is better then fortnite
- nate p: +Hazy yee
- Cool Sheep: 2:38 ninja on roblox
- Rift_ Burn: More like bandito
- SimpIex: is the filter on snapchat
- Ur gay if your reading this **************: *lol*
- ao: who would spend their time watching this lmao??
- Peepo: Her teeth are very white
- Placidy: whats the filters called
- Kedna Masse: Ok buddy
- Big Chungus: 0:30 That chick in high school Vs 2:11 That confident woman right now.
- Duo clan: does anybody know hiw to use these filters like what do i need to download???
- The biggest Chungus: Bruh the only thing that makes this girl relevant is that she's fine and thicc, other than that she wouldn't be anything
- Victor KING: Lol 5:33
- Gaybe: How?
- V3lv3tros e: Like is would stream like the last one
- QwertTV: 2:00 Gimper xdd :D. Kto polak tak ogólnie .
- -DarkFeyGaming -: Has mustache strokes chin. I see what kinda woman you are. It's a trap!
- Forever Adapt: Cypherus you should stfu
- Gama: 9:29 Howard the alien? thought your meme was dead
- KcayosStudio: 2:13 my favorite fairy tale.
- SuntannedJet487: this is weird as I'm watching this on the 25th of November
- Bookies 420: 3:54 good pussy
- xKacper800x: Pokiegg
- Gfljones: 5:00 every 12 year old just failed no nut November
- wig snatched: am i the only one who doesn’t like her
- ultragametime1: 00:46 momo
- D-FRAG: Annoying orange
- SpellsYT: *ANNOYING ORANGE! **2:20*
- shadow_9773: 4:57 there comes my penis perfectly
- 26744 with no videos: You look like a thot?
- Oriond34 Mega: 5:25 when you recorded something really good but want to make yourself famous in case you get lots of views
- Tucker Engleman: 6:45 cookie monster
- Ur gay if your reading this **************: _Italics_
- Dominic Bracamonte: I'm not complaining but how did I get the full song arms around you as an ad?
- wellington lourenço: 0:58 *RAFA MOREIRA MANO!!!!!!*
- foO: Is she high?
- Wannabe Justin Y.: You need a medal of fucking honor
- Greefydod: Fucking teens. *OOOFF FILTEEEERS* Literally all yalls
- Saša Štrakl: how did she put on the filters?
- Jack Kotelman: 2:38 “Stream Sniping”
- regino 106: Yes i do
- V1CT1M {Duck}: 4:04 please date me
- Whiteout Force: Yes
- Hype_Aqua: *minecraft.
- Kenji: how do you do this?
- MatrixFear: Same no literally
- yahia: 0:50 galio. the word
- at AdamDaBeast-insta: 0:47 look up, hide-and-seeks from seven deadly sins. COMPARE
- an orangey yellow colour: Jad Awar it’s not fucking fortnite is it
- JoshoMcBappo: annoying orange
- Skyler Schwartz: She’s so silly! 😊😊
- RecruitGodM8: I kept replaying 2:16
- Rocky Plays124: 2:58 dat face tho
- Myth: 2:17 when an egg is trying to eat you
- jonesy peterson: KEEMSTAW EXPOSED YOuU
- gold player 20: she looks like 55 years old whit out makeup
- PieR XbL: 1:40 there’s a ghost because another dog showed up
- 1969man: 11:19 poki without makeup
- Cristian Manea: she looks like ski mask lmao
- Charles Helou: 4:03 JasonR
- MikaProKing: My favorite filter 05:24
- SaDaw of CraZy: 5:12
- Robertas Petrošius: Giorno Giovana? Is that a JoJo reference?
- Kakuno: E.T
- league of minecraft :D: World record egg
- Raswer69: Filters
- Infrared universal: At 4:04 I was thinking of the yogurt guy 😂😆🤣
- Angela Ziegler: *reports*
- Cole Powers: All I know is it's the yogurt guy filter lmao
- allen teran: Annooyyiinngg
- Robert Mcflufferpants: 8 thousand yayay
- OnkelAbdulRachman: Fuck no nut November im gonna bust a fat one on that hoe
- Hunter H20: 1:51 David parody ?
- Wannabe Justin Y.: When a streamer is a family memeber and comes over to visit lol
- Gage Olson: 4:03 I started dying when I saw this
- Shifted251: 3:11 StReAm SnIpEr
- SstixzZ: can i know what app she used?
- Cdm_ Cubing: Annoying orange ???
- outcastvader gaming chanel: The egg one look like funny orange
- DackoMaster: 4:58 enjoy yourself.
- ChronicThyz: poor cat to the right 🤣
- * XxHexlpMexX *: 4:20 YOGURRTTTT MMMMMM?
- Ahmed Mode: When you call your friend on messenger
- Trixx_TNW: My internets fucking shit I can’t watch the video😡
- MatteX: I must admit it, she looks much more gorgeous when she has purple hair.
- ToXiC Ash: OMG 13:19 IS SO FUNNY😂
- ᴋɪɴɢツ 7Ds: 1:40 is that a fucking ghost? Theres another shit on her head
- BartHitsHomer: What it is the app called
- Suat Özcan: #NoFilter
- Theo: 0:50 that one dude from monsters inc
- I have an incredibly small penis, but: It’s not a French show that’s good ol’ American comedy that we like to call Annoying Orange
- Peachy -tan: is she high
- ec0 Invictus: 3:37 sid from ice age?????
- Mcflooper: This is where most gamer boys lost no nut November we have lost many 3:34
- Blackbangtan With a little bit of twice: She is having sooo much fun
- ScripT: +Blackbird what i f they did surgery on a grape
- EnZed: 4:03 yogurt. bahahahhhhaaa Anyone know that meme?
- plewx: Snap
- Gabriel Amon: 0:42 looks like obunga lol
- Itz PEPE [GD]: 1:52 and she said to get used to girls looking like eggs
- FrostbourneFlame: 0:14 *MYTH SPOTTED*
- Kyle Quinlan: Lol
- RealJack: Day 25 nov piss of that my birthday yes today lol 😂
- GrumpyDonkey: https://youtu.be/_kzV8zDz44U?t=229 everyone we have an announcement to make
- Logan Phillips: why did i just get a spanish ad
- TheBucketBoii: How the hell is that dva
- PewDiePieFalconLover 69: Its her huge ass forehead
- i like donuts: the filter without makeup
- Vivid Toast: Her teeth brighter than my future
- ZzCOREYzZ: I paused at 4:24 and was terrified
- OGN Voltage: I love you for knowing this
- brayan martinez: On
- Cristian Avelar: How did she not get the harry potter one?
- Daequan Loco: 0:41 NOPE! *Daequan Loco has Left the Chat*
- Fortnite Certified: Everytime Poki Spit out of her mouth
- Krazy IX: Shes so annoying these 9year olds think shes thick smh😂😂🙊❄
- exe duckz: Those are all snapchat filters
- neil remis: 2:30 what poki looks like without makeup
- Froozki: Make me a sandwich
- Flaming Churro: Omg im dying
- Marco Eriksen: Darude sandstorm
- Joaquin Ortega: Pokithicc
- iamSteven: 0:24 Ha got em...
- Rinkimiri: some of it is really cringy
- Diino: Who let her do this
- Ninjokotaro: Selene Gomez
- Young Reaper: 4:43
- Not P9nda: +Keasia Gray xd thx
- Carlos Nunez-Sosa: 4:05 yogurt, hhhhhuuuuhhhhhhhh
- Keasia Gray: oof Overflow new freezer.,😂 how do you not know are you in you 60s or something god!!😂😂😂😂
- Faith Devine: Annoyong orange
- MAGICAL POOP: 1:29 d*ck face
- I may have 2 braincells but: Protective12 gg Noooooo lmao
- I'm Jonny: Wait what. How?
- TribalSteak: can someone please tell me what she is using for this XD because it's so funny XD
- ME I.N.C: HOW DOES she do that
- Jason Brown: That egg face thicc In the face
- Castor 2K16: 1:08 i was lookin down all the time where is she pointing at?
- Project Ashe: 5:24 The Best
- Elluthegamer: Facerig i think:]
- kimchi: _she’s cute with all of the filters_
- diegonix gamer: 1:00 reminded me of raccoon eggs
- FrostGaming: 3:17 did i just heard a fart? if it was that was cute XD
- SirVexelix: Mungo cunt bag
- Thore Frank: 1:38 ghost ?????????
- the gamer: Who else just wants to see her than the emotes
- Thanita: The cat is in the back and like, what are you doing
- Ebs 101: omg😂😂
- Its 3wan: I remember when using these filters was popular when you walked into an apple stores and went on the macs and when on the app with the filters in 2012
- Sad: what the app?
- papi chulo: No roblox sniping
- WBL QA The bros: Haaaahaaaaaahaaaahaaas
- BlackFlame: get this girl some yogurt
- Joe Music And More: I though this ugly lady already had filters on
- F: That only works on people who don't know how long the video is
- Calamity: TheAmazingChicken lol I look at the thingy and I was dead ass on 6:14 😂
- Taistelulaama: 2:31 Myth's girlfriend
- X_tritanchula_X TM: 1:19 it looks like her face is shaped as a penis 😂😂😂
- Tsuyu Asui: 4:45 poki wants to suck your D
- Mysterious Menace: #NoFilter
- Aeyla Farron: 3:18 me trying to tell a funny story
- Dr_ Bambina: That one Guy named joe He could’ve found it too dumbass
- BloodThirsty: When he drops you his golden scar 4:56
- Audrey Mcghee: Pause it at 2:16
- Deluxta: shes so crazy. I love her^^. Sweet but a little bit Psycho :-P.
- Xuode: Boys remember she is ugly when she has no makeup on🤮😂
- Raven X: +Raswer69 Technically right
- NotUrAvgPerson: C R I N G E
- Jad Awar: +an orangey yellow colour oh sorry I thought he meant that why pokimane uploaded on this channel or why did she change her channel name, and jeez no need to curse xd
- KidNinjaGamer_ YT: True
- iTz iHeart: She’s one sexy dog
- Craig h: 2:01 Humpty Dumpty looking ass
- A Dorito: Annoying orange
- Kate Dolphin: is poki okay? xD
- Adnan Andersson: Sadly filters can’t hide Fake Personalities
- Cheddar: i have miedo maria play barnie el dinosaur
- supreme.chris 123: Lol
- ACrazed Zontiex: 1:28 dat head shape🤦♂️
- Ares: what twitch thot is that?
- Corey Lopez: Annoying orange
- Hated Sxadows: Now use this 🍆
- Toppale: When you found pokimanes twitch and your fiends tell you to follow here and you join the live stream and see this 10:31
- Landon Greyeyes: Kidding
- Zx lolo: When I saw the thumbnail I was like wtf she change her hair colour and ........lol
- DerpE: thiccc
- RustyBoi: Girls act like the know the pain of no nut November... our brothers are fighting rn as we speak and they act they understand, disgraceful. Stay Strong
- Aleix Kuri: 1:21 her face look like a dick
- Moe Manseur: poki said she stopped playing fortnite tho
- lėahš_stūff c:: 1:50 i dIeD lAuGhInG
- RedDolphin: 0:42 if venom was white.
- ziyan shoukat: 9:28 rifty
- Dank doodle Jesus: 2:22 she thicc
- Sammy B: 5:50
- White Crakkas: What y'all playing for that's a cartoon arrow
- Broken Windows: 3:23 BALD SPOT
- Orangesnipez: 12:40
- Isaiah Dutra: 5:24 my creepy stoker at my house
- ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤlendro333: 1:35 aka the "check my premium snapchat" looking ass hoe filter
- Sans: Plug walk
- Rayson Foo: Pause at 1.42 there is another dog above poki ghost confirmed?
- LuiDeSantoro: Where is it?
- Its Olivia Here: Omg how do you get snapchat filters to get on you to on ur stream? Does anyone know
- Fewwey: snapcam
- PewDiePieFalconLover 69: The real question is who didn't?
- Greeny_3: I’ve never seen someone so excited over filters 😂
- ɐupɹǝʍ ʞᴉɯ: 10:38 lmfaooooo
- iiZombie: she looks cute with the heart filters
- Rêtêê Skrr Skrr: +Ana Hernandez yessssss
- Cup: 1:07 she kind of looks like the caterpillar from Alice and wonderland or the octopus from the penguins movie
- Christians For Pewdiepie: This is so wholesome Alexa play Country Roads
- Margarita Alfonso: Haters: dis my fav part 13:19 Me: rly dude
- Carnage: Jumping out The backstreet like ZOOM
- Chanshayha Lom: She tries to make fun of herself to make people forget she’s actually reallly ugly
- Archanist: I clicked so fast i thought you exposed Poki of the fakeness of her beauty but fuck..
- ChaoticGamer: At 4:20 what’s that filter called? Please tell me
- xd Oreo Milk: 1:51 *HowToBasic Would like to know your location*
- 布拉德利塔克: 6:06 oh ee oo ah ah, eh eh wada wada bing bang
- Pxgf: Shes a plastic fake
- d1k less: 1:06 Bru why she look like an arrow sign
- Can we get 1000 with few uploads ?: Chickydre e LOL DEADASS😂😂😂
- Space YT: I feel bad for the cat in the background
- nina v: am i the only one that didnt find this funny at all?
- GuardianofHyrule: Woa that dog one tho she became a thot for a minute
- Matthew Cornelius: I always knew poki was an egg
- SeiraWasTaken: 0:45 Gremlins
- Bennyofficial: What program is she using?
- BM WarRobots: Virgin kid
- King Josh: hi guys my name is fortnite things and I just reupload twitch streams jesus ppl these days
- pandagrim ninja: 12:21 what daequan looks like
- AIDEN HOSS: +Сøđэıиэ Dяυик no swearing in my christian minecraft server
- Tyreece Klarhofer: Lemme help you out 13:19
- Beck W.: 1:52
- KiLLz HollowTTV: 2:00 foosey tube is back
- Crusage: What program is she using?
- JaimeGamer Team: More like Stitch from Lilo And Stitch
- alex animations: lol
- Paranormal GH0ST: Hectic big mouth
- Wannabe Justin Y.: no
- ScripT: How do people actually watch her stream?
- Jawalu: 4:20 Hermine?
- Zoivy: 2:36 StReAm SnIpEr
- WoW MeMeS: #SaveOurInternet
- Faze Lougas: 1:41 there’s a ghost behind her
- xXGamerfriendX x: 1:19 He Looks Like a Penis
- Faze Tfue: 2:20 ok humpty dumbty
- Nba 2K Clips Central: Annoying orange
- Kyah Badang: Pokemane true face 11:26
- Kappa: 2:39 *THERE’S THE EMOTE*
- Krisztian Camacho: tjis is so funny
- vegas godett: yep annoying orange and it's american
- Mahdi Ataei (elev): 0:52 she looks like Rose from animation Monsters
- showhint PL: Poki is beautiful♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
- Hectic: Ok how did people get so much likes
- DIgitz: When u finally make a Snapchat
- MrBaracu: What is so funny?...
- Xenone: 3:40 I Chinese I Japanese I Jinese
- The Green Charlie: poki thicc
- Where is Taeyung's Bag? :c: She looks like SANA!
- DedGhost: Does anyone know what program / plugin is it?
- TTRaven: 6:49 Mr.Beast? edit: do i have the most liked comment!? i did it! my family is proud of me now
- unknown wolf: When u are a sensitive bitch who can't take a joke
- *Darkness*: How doni knoe if I'm preganenant?
- Sebastian Jones: 5:11
- Lmao Dexter: 4:48 deadass :ads: Free porn site available for free put your credit card info and its on your way!:
- Miraie: https://www.engadget.com/2018/10/26/twitch-snap-camera-snapchat-augmented-reality-filters/
- EXPL Nuke Anims: Snapchat filters
- Can I get 1,000 subs no video challenge.: 1:23 looks like her head is shaped as Texas
- Alicia Chan: BEGONE THOT
- Layla Hussein: Peep hole *
- Jm Del Rosario: stupid, check your grammar
- Cedimetric YT: She was 100% high
- Jad Awar: +David Nally well everyone makes mistakes, *_UR FUCKING MORON_*
- is everybody in *: this bitch is trying SOOOOOO hard to not be asian. she's pulling out all the tricks. we know ur asian dumb bitch.
- Forglie: 9:07 *FBI OPEN UP*
- Adam Henson: When bae ask what dat mouf do 4:56
- speakerjunkie e: Someone take her computer away Lmaoo
- Can We Get 10k Subscribers With No Video Fam ?: 2:31 HowToBasic Face reveal
- VortexFN: Same how do ppl sit down and watch her stream listening to her scream?
- TheShark Gamer22: F r e e that spells free use your sub on my ttv
- BITEZ: .-.
- RAGE Hurricane 420: I think she was high
- Red: from 00:00 till 13:18 is not entertainment, just some property that thinks it's funny
- FuntimeFred 33: Yes the uncut version
- Angela Noell: You hot just so you know I'm not a girl
- Random Guy: :(
- Joshua Frazier: Annoying orange
- HΔιf LIGHT: Cat is shocked
- M J: I think my lumbago is making me hallucinate
- Demetrio Weeks: shes talking about annoying orange
- Lucas-Elias S: its annoying orange
- Ashwin Alagendran: Lmao don’t listen to these guys that was gold my man
- Sky - mainingcaveira ,: 13:19 nipslip your welcome
- Da BlueBird: Hello, cat!
- KawaiiSweets_YT ;3: 2:01 made me laugh so hard
- XXKingJoey: Is she using Snapchat?
- Pedro Gonzalez: Cute and thicc poki
- TG 0219: Yo it deadass thought her forehead was a face 💀
- Alexander Chen: the cat in the back is just like why am i here
- Blackbird: Hell yee brother KKona7
- Cole Powers: Yogurt.... UAAHHHHHHHH
- small babykiwi: 9 :15 more like rainbow 6 seige
- ITZNAOMI DUH: 5:31 WTF is she doing
- Nig: The dog filter doesn't look good on her
- Fatal Potatoe: O H MY G O D ! ! ! !
- Jaksen J.: 12:32 is from joji's "Can't get over you", just so you guys know
- Lazy Gaming: 4:38 Michelle Obama? LUL
- PanzeyyGaming: Myth has joined the chat
- Bryce Blindman: YOGURT!!!!
- T-rex_Gods!: 5:48 lmao I thought poki was actually cross-eyed for a second😂
- RandomPerson: 2:24 _French_
- Delicious TV: 10:15
- Voxio G: 13:19 lmao !!!
- LuiDeSantoro: Where?
- Real Craig: The fake laugh makes me wanna die.
- KillingInstinct: a little bit of autism is always nice I guess
- Spukki I love spukkines: With all that makeup she wearing its already like a filter
- iTz Metal: my left ear enjoyed this
- Jens Jens: are women horny, annoyed, drunk or high when they act like her?
- TugiLP: hahahah xD
- regino 106: Oof
- Paanda: Program name?
- Devin The meme man: 1:20 poki looks like an arrow lol
- Vinny Van Keuren: Lol
- Mika: what filter app is that
- Neon Star: Annoying orange? It a kid tv show
- Bearface3421 Duffy: The tv show is called annoying orange
- John OuO: Thanos hair
- Sharkscanplay 2: She looked like Anne munition in one of the filters
- Robertas Petrošius: What program did she use?
- XGN DVA Main/Warrior Productions: 1:50 "I'd still fuck an egg"
- Ethan: Favorite face c; 3:34 it keep me dying over again!!!! 💀💀😂😂😂
- O2 _: Annoying orange is the thing ur talking about
- Luer96: Yeah, just like your pussy ass nigga dick
- Logic Gamerzz: 1:48 LMFAO "Me Without MakeUp"
- Book Meat: 4:20 YOGUR
- Zortec: Poki Doki
- AGIM: 1:18 this means D*ck head LoL
- Zunflyx Jonas: this is A-MEI-ZING
- Jøcełin tragic: This made me want to go to Snapchat and try on the funny filters 😂🤦♀️
- Gerb: 1:06 why does she look like Albert (BoxBox) for some reason!
- Mudsand: 0:49 you look like an autist
- Awkward Penguin: 0:01 ugliest filter
- Itz GTR: 1:15 she look like she swallowed an arrow sign lol
- ACH1EVE: at 1:52 she looks like my history/science teacher in Movember
- Grandmaster: 0:02 aaa my eyes its too BRIGHT AAAAAAA
- Ignacio Varela: 13:18 best part
- Isaiah Dutra: Same lmao 🤣
- Sans Da Pun Master: OMG YES
- Hayate Kabamaru: F
- Goldstar823: 0:49 is that mo mo?
- ĐΔรĦאx 23: 5:14 hide Ultra Instinct
- My Stories: 5:03 TRUNDLE lol
- TheLastOp One: (Yogurttt ahhhhhh) like if you get it🤣😭
- Noah Charles: Omg I thought the cat in the background had long ass legs
- ipoped_ ur_mom: she looks like a egg
- Matthew Rosario: 4:03 yogurt ommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
- R.I.P xXx xXx o: Only ONE feel like thats look like an Dick?
- Little Wip: 12:14 that looks lokey like someone at my school😂😂😂
- Grant Dassau: Annoying orange that is what its called
- Lorenzo Smith: THICC
- UE Evil: I soft of want to die
- Peter Pan: Anyone else thought 11:20 looked too real?
- cataypontin taypontin: Luve you to
- Dat_ fahad: Thats creepy
- Rcp 3: Imagine if she was high 😂😂😂
- Maximilian 3D: Ikr
- Supreme Turtlez: Ghost trynna nut
- ZestyLemon: 0:45 when a ugly Bish thinks she cute
- Yakashi9ine5ive: 0:14 looks like Mundo with herpes
- Prosper38 Challenge: Eww I wanna beat the fuck out of her so bad
- Joseph Navarro: she got a big for head
- SplatNode: anyone know where i can get these filters?
- Jxhn's Hacks: smaller*
- *Ya fucking Bastard*: so cute 0:07
- Billy Copeland: 3:00 leave and I won’t band u
- Ayden Davis: Yup %100 Texas
- NightGamer MCPE1: Pokimane on steroids
- 龍さん Exiled 自殺: she isnt funny
- Cass Wiles: What is she use for the filters
- Ethan Newgren: R6
- Lousimo: 1:06 her face looks like a down arrow ⬇️
- Games Tube: people actually watch her
- cataypontin taypontin: I subd
- 3 Wins: 2:24 humpty dumpyty NANI!!!!
- Pro PulseFire: 4:10 this is the Orange neme face
- Skylar Paints: Pokimane talking about something: so there is this thing- Something shocking or funny appears or something: AAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA My ears. I do actually like her no hate-
- A Random Meme: 4:44 DAMN BOI SHE THICC
- Gabriel Ciecielung: 0:02
- Walter Clements: Go cum in a cup poki tf is wrong with you
- Andre4143: 100
- Justas A: Pokimane with a egg head lol her head is thicc
- Queeniefax: she's so annoying lmao
- Koneko Toujou: On her head
- Paws Lps: 9:12 that’s some cheap cosplay poki
- No Content: Happy :D I see it 😂
- Donald Inzodda: Pokimane has reached her full potential *egg*
- supreme team: 2:36 i can imagine somone usin this filter and sayin "do not bully anyone"
- Alice Madness: omg finally twitch has face filters yaaaay!! it needs more cat face filters yooo
- Z1VE: failed no nut November at 1:50 :(
- MwB_ DaVid: Annoying orange
- Poke Master: Can anyone tell me where the guy with big muscles does the face fillter
- Vorname Nachname: imitating pokimae is like just make after every sentence an ...aaa
- ShocK v WaVeY: FW Rob A
- supreme.chris 123: It was annoying orange
- Azul Rivadeneyra: omg she need some milke :)
- Kiara Rose - C.D: 12:00 to 12:11 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂
- Spukki I love spukkines: She acts like a caveman tbh
- M i n a c e k: No nut november -> like Movember -> comment
- I do U do: Otto Hedlund or e.t
- streamer BTW: Minecraft
- Kayas Jerry: Omg poki with purple hair that looks awesome
- Berat Kir: A MaximilianMus warrior?
- 1000 subs no videos challenge: Lardex destroyer of buffets also know as rook from rainbow six siege
- Shadow Griefer KMT: Lol right
- Singdam: >no nut november >brain reaches maximum capacity >"expanantial"
- Cassidy Stratton: Dam it, I should of read the title before clicking on the thumbnail. ;(
- Michelle Skivvy: 8:28 no comment lol
- HaydenAye: Pokimane: *takes off make-up*
- lambster man: 1:40 GHOST IN POKI ROOM CONFIRMED
- Dark Soul: How does she do that?
- Storm PT: I want that to be my face 24/7, its way to retarded
- Skibat 64: She soooo unfunny. God this hurts. She might even rival sssniperwolf
- xonjas son: The harry potter filter is cuz movie nbr 3 where he eats this trains bean and smoke out the ear
- Juicy Boi: I died at OmegaLUL Lmao that was unexpected
- Santino F: 1:55 squeaker
- Fled Ged: ahahahahahahahha cardi b bruise after nicki fight filter lmfaoooo
- Faze KevinFranco: 0:010:02:0:003:
- SERGE_INTRO: This has 666 dislikes
- The Spartan: Doesn't when poki as the white glasses filter she looks like chloe bennet
- Mystic Rose: annoying orange isn't French
- Veri Vera: 2:36 what’s that filter called?
- The Guy That Comments: 5:03 when you nut and realize its still november
- Jacob Humphry: Kid your weird you have an obsession with poki stupid 12 year old
- HaVe FuN: 1:15 she look like a dick sry haha
- Wolf Boy: Omg
- ItzCyril - Gacha Studio: 1:41 ghost joined the stream
- Akasha Aijin: 0:03 I instantly clicked on the next video
- LensEndSpair: 7:59 it says you have been permantly banned from this channel?i never watch twitch so i dont know if thats real can someone tell me if its real.
- end yourself: i did is there a problem
- Maria Paz: 1:19 penis
- Neo Take: 9:40 is that E.T. ?
- xd ZGzGamer: pokimane looks good with purple hair no joke
- HunterPlayZ_XD: 0:48 yourself?
- Tab_ Valxyz: Dang Poki's mouth is shaped perfectly for eating Di--- G I O R N O P I Z Z A
- WOOD MINER: Wierd flex but ok
- Razp_: 1:07 Thats me when im eating a pear.
- KoiFlow: +Prosper38 Challenge not what I meant
- its bills: She's so annoying I stg
- RJ Balloue: Twitch thought what
- EmilianINS: is there a filter that makes her butt bigger?
- blue dragon: She is an egg now xD
- Monkey MankRBX: When your voice gets put into an anime 10:13
- Řønnîę Pląyş: Why wont she filter the When she opens her mouth It releases Cum!
- Mr Pug: 5:07 Asian Poki
- Im rxsky: Nogger
- M4TR1X_ Folded: 5:06 blobfish lol
- Luny: 5:24 what’s that called ?!?!
- al3xch0: Its not pokimane, its CUTIEMANE ^^ <3
- NekoTen !!!: I cannot unsee this
- dakkamaster: 3:35 sid from ice age lmao
- lil serge: That joke was eggcellent
- Random Guy: 😮 EPIC Roast
- Anglo Saxon: Dinosaur baby from some cray sitcom from the 90s that none of pokimane number one fan base know about.
- pandabuffet: +LuiDeSantoro look to the right
- Liam Lothian: 1:18 the way her hair is it makes her look like a dick head lmao
- 3p1ks: 9:05 PUBG irl.
- abraham parra: play grounds *tired*
- Edgar Mora: 4:57 when the dentist says open wide
- xd RespectGamer: 6:47 he's a gold digger men
- TheGParker: i dont understand how she can laugh at that without being stoned
- Edward no: 1:51 that's exactly how you look like
- zSmasher: 5:24 Female Thanos?
- Martin Pham: 4:50 zoom it up your nose
- itachi Uchiwa: how to do this ? XD i have a camera how
- Invalid: 1:41 9 yr old: OMG ITS A GHOST LOLOLOLOL
- Elliot Eriksson: Gotta love stealing content huh, nice job cunt
- CB_ kevvzz: 3
- James S.: 4:44 my friends call me omega ...................................... tell me what it means pls
- Catch 37: john calhoun she a thut
- blui: 9:04 tell me. Does black ops have that?
- Ah Hi: Yeah and this is cool thanos+thanos=💁♂️💨🙅♂️🤣🙎♂️🤷♂️
- Veniulem: keemstar did expose you indeed
- N3gat1ve: 4:30 timing?
- Mungo: to a dumbass, yeah.
- Suicidal meme: 2:00 nnn has been failed
- Can we get 1000 with few uploads ?: 9:07 WAKANDA FOREVER
- speakerjunkie e: 5:49 I thought she really went crossed eyes lmaoo
- Mcberry _: 1:50 am eg
- Moises Duarte: you momma has never seen real porn because that shit aint nothing like this
- dotdotdot: TTRaven just...were proud
- sonofson 094: Shes to extra about everything
- Kpop Songz: 0:41 To me you look like the cat from Alice and the Wonderland.
- Bob: 0:49 thinking of a gremlin
- Jamani NL: Why is pokimane so cringe
- OPGC _Member: Me at strip club 6:57
- Beto o'rourke: majd achckar you don’t know how to spell so
- Lucarius Gaming: Annoying Orange is the name!
- teunt: Same
- Rose Gonsalves: +White Crakkas SpongeBob??
- 1969man: just encase she forgets her make up
- MeKasO _U: 1:55 Made Me DIE LOL
- Jordan Bernier: Mimi looks so annoyed
- anonimo pan: This is the Thot patrol. Stay where you are, you’re being arrested.
- big M: 9:04 *pubg helmet* yoooo am about to play black ops lookin like this
- Overwatch Plays: 76: 2:30 it is telefrancais and it is a pineapple
- Yea I have a small penis, but: The hottest one from poki yet.
- Luiselcrack xD: That dog filter Thot
- Mr.Fundamentals M.G: bTw its a show called Annoying Orange search it up but it's really dum
- Girl Gone Gamer: Millennial's be like
- deanambrose 690: Same
- Plasma Cat74: she deadass turned into rook at 9:02
- deleted content: Poki is the thot of fortnite
- Audrey Dempsey: Annoying orrange???
- Vizual Deadly: next video: “pokimane clips her nails”
- YYomaa: +Reflexay which comment
- Spoopy Steve: 5:19 ultra instinct?
- FR0G0 8: yall a bunch of creeps
- SlenderBender 97: Lmao the egg
- hacky nick: Oh yeah yeah
- Nbp Toxic -Nutella RBLX: 2:30 I thought Humpty dumpty fell off the wall but he is fine I dont understand
- Kid Destroyer 059: What does it mean tell me
- LeviathanLlama: Robertas Petrošius digiorno pizza is a pizza brand. Best part ITS NOT DELIVERY ITS DIGIORNO
- Anguish IV: This kid does not need a long life.
- Batynayy: 1:06 Her Face looks like a D.
- That One Anime Girl: Get a real job like me ya dumb bish, people like her make me sick 💀
- youmni daoudi: 2:17 FAKE LAUGH
- ellis acathan: does the filter remind you of toothless from how to train your Dragon?
- Richard Xia: 2:17 I almost threw my phone away
- Sub to me !: Lol 5:00 Cleen your mouth
- Alextrolling Trolling: You should color them
- Jad Awar: so?
- zFordax: the first one is so cute lmao
- Shortix: Who tf watches her for real tho? Shes so boring
- Alexandra Howard: I feel like I’m watching a squeaky door fake laugh please stop
- ReaPeR Vertix: Be original
- MN NICE GAMING-DEATH: It's fucking called the annoying orange
- Grinch: 11:27 Pokimane forgets to put makeup on
- BooGoesDaGhost: The cross-eyed one makes her look normal?
- POKHHN GAMING: 0:45 ... what I look like when I try to talk to the new girl
- Wutt_ Aryu: Cat be like.. Can u please shut up im sleeping her.
- Mystic Raider: 2:29 when you have to much makeup and there is not one scratch mark not one pimple!
- PinkPearl: #When you're too short so you just listen at the door instead
- Oh Jeah jeah: 11:19 my grandma
- GD PotatoBoy: Its so bootiful oml
- BANANA: i thought i was tripping cause i was blowing smoke 😝
- Plagued Visions: Poki so cute
- MihaiGRN: 1:41 GHOST
- MrLink 4444: 3:32 when my team ban my yasuo
- Masaki Posey: How is she so pretty
- Old Man: New face filters on Instagram today!
- Genreic Asian: 0:43 - that fish from megamind
- Min-Yoongi: +Aimless shes to hyper tho
- masonsav 109: I just realized that pokiemane looks like me without my glasses
- Fappito: as an egg head actually looks like kimi
- CHAR: Stop the video before reding this, 4:56 when the d*** is too big
- nonato gamer: 0:58 é o proprio raffa moreira
- zSmasher: 1:06 -_-
- BLUES 8: But how tho
- James Soulje: 8:58 she looks like kim possible!
- God: 1:30 her head shaped like she showing direction to hell
- kingbryant 84: I like the ninja
- Javaughnmathews M: The
- fiora: What is she using
- Shoenice Is not dead: I’d blow my load and leave that Bitch lmao
- Aqw aq: Whats up with these girls and their whiney tone in every sentence?
- dheya7971: Snap chat
- Robz6000YT: Wish the filters showed us her ass
- Med Jr.: 1:07 her face a pe pe
- Brian Kurtz: I know what you mean
- SugarHigh Gaming: idea for MrBeast: Make poki set her favourite playlist on and the first 10 songs she will get 5000$ everytime she does'nt sing to one
- SkilllaR - Kun: 1:49 Gimper czy to ty?
- DeVlogster: 2:14 This part was so creepy....
- Outdoors & Indoors: She uses autotune I've seen many clips where she screams and its really obviously autotune
- Very High IQ Man: Bruh she is annoying as hell
- Stargun light123: Pokimane looks better with the big mouth than her without makeup
- billy bob: that small face one reminded me of that meme yogurt uhhhhhhh
- Diego Tavera: I can't take her seriously
- The Titans: THICC
- Reaper J: Lmao
- skoink: I literally just clicked all the time stamps instead of actually watching the vid
- Just_An_Galaxy_Boy: Put those filters on dem titties...
- xd ZGzGamer: i dis liked the video cause it had 659 disliked i wanted to make it 660 so yeah and i loved the vid
- 6jaden6: Annoying Orange.
- Coggy: 1:52 e g g i m a n e
- Final Boss Dany: wanna know the same
- Mattiramisu: 5:49 I'm dead
- xd ZGzGamer: 9:12 actually looks like she wearing a helment
- Max86546: Pokémane is hot
- Melzedrick Tapnio: thats the sexiest egg i've ever seen
- Robbie Rotten: The Cyberninja nah dead meme bcs of retarded 12 yr olds
- Katzek: Pokithot**
- Carlos Flores: That egg filter was so funny
- kim scott tyson: she so cuteeeeeeeeeeee
- NotID valid: ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
- Bravo Respawn: 6.41 slither io
- Slime Rancher-E Boi: Eat ass like potato
- Random Guy: I have no lIfE
- Jose Mario Vargas: What's the program she's using for the filters??
- Ssavage_idk: When I do the ninja one I put on the filter and report everyone that dances on me 🤣😂🤣😂🤣
- Brutal boi rrgh: the way she laughs at her own jokes is so fucking annoying
- Sky Light: Fuck poki
- Birk Nystad: She probably uses a filter on her ass lmao
- Raffi Miah: 6:26 Poki with no makeup.
- SimiTheBoss: Thats just mean
- 1,000 subs without any videos?: 1:52 it’s almost like ghost aydan
- R3KT GH9P: 1:41 there’s a ghost behind you
- hilomatrixHD: poor cat....R.I.P
- Lmao Dexter: Every 5 year old when they od is Roblox and she says yes 5:26
- - LyteZ -: 1:48 *Top Ten Anime Plot Twists*
- EnyoTN: what software she is using guys?
- Lmao Dexter: This was me when I created my Wii characters when I was 5 5:08
- Faze Tfue: 1:22. She looks like an arrow pointing down
- DarkAlphaX: Pepe
- Secret Gamer: this is so sad
- Stefan Reidy: Cant tell when she turned on the filters
- Lodomir DeXa Pico: im feel so cring
- Thecool Gamer: Anong orange
- RileyG: Fam she looks like a fucking lizard
- Taco Boy: 1:14 Dick Head
- ThePlayerXx2: the potato face
- Emre Dunno: 11:27 dose she have a filter on? Cus i only see normal poke. 🤣🤣😂🤣😂😂😂
- сука блять: Pokimane lowkey looks like my mom it's very terrifying
- Eskos: Don’t let this ignore the fact that they did surgery on a grape
- Blackbird: Probably with eyes.
- Friska Reynaldi: The annoying orange
- Skyler Green: Her laugh is so annoying! And she seems to pop up on every fortnite vid!!!
- john calhoun: Pokimane breathes on stream
- M3rcury: The show is called tellefrancais, and the character is anana. It’s a pinealpple
- Twitch Noah: Wich Programm is he using???
- Alechia Fitchgerald: You mean annoying orange 2:23
- Not P9nda: 9:30 what's that song
- 3p1ks: damn 3 of my comments on this video have 100+ likes i just realized that.
- Alex Warren: 1:10 her head looks like a pens
- AwesomeGamerS NL: 4:44 OMeGalUl
- Soii14: That Roblox Ninja one tho
- Die Now: Overused dead meme
- nothing 182: 2:30 I think she means annoying orange
- Tuesday Wiggins: Poki head look like an peen 1:12 just pause it
- Kpop Lover1.: Is she drunk?
- VCCGAMING: There was a gost at 1:42 i think or it was just her headphones
- PhuzzyBond: 00:43 - Gremlins, you are welcome
- Edgar Mora: 2:10 annoying orange on steroids
- 10,000 Subscribers Without Any Videos: *SENPAII* 🔥
- Fearsome Tiger86: 0:43 Gremlins (:
- Trxsh_Crashtest: why doesnt she have any legs
- nonProdigy: Is it just me or does Poki scream when she laughs...
- GladyatorYT Roblox and MORE!: Imagine Xray Filter
- Golden Playz: 1:07 dafuq she a dick?
- The Memerz: 1:41 ghost behind her? 🤣
- XxCONDOxX: Taistelulaama a
- Blackbird: So, just because someone else used those twitch filters, no one else is fucking allowed to try them. Okay cunt.
- Colin Bever: She looks perfictly fine without makeup
- Alastair Steele: Fqrbes is probably busting a nut to this
- AlaXxy: Whats that filter at 4:12
- Youie:/: 1:07 she looks like a penis
- Chris Dodds: I thought it was Coraline
- Hayate Kabamaru: N
- Drag YT: Humpty Dumpty got short on Fortnite lol
- PYROX: She is so Beautyful
- Mirco Dieker: damn she is hot but holy shit her laugh is so annoying
- urmom happy: 1:07 Chinese person run
- 花アカメ: hey remember what happened the last time you put on the 'no-makeup' filter?
- Adventure games: Yes or yes
- EmeraldGaming: 6:50 when ninja turned kid friendly
- Gunner: 1:06 her face looks like a penis
- AvocadoJr: What the effects of acid looks like
- dE wAE De WaE: 13:19 I couldn't stop laughing🤣🤣🤣🤣
- Alextrolling Trolling: Purple hair looks good on you
- Bo Jordan: 1:51 😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅 😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅 😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅 😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅 😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅 😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅
- Wiry: 1:51 well I ain’t gettin sleep tonight
- kingturtle 2008: 1:41 ghost
- Alexander Pitts: Take it away...nope she to hot to take/dammmmmm
- Bloxy: +Mungo so you see it
- norsto 456: 0:05 thicccccc
- Pro_Gamer_284: No Nut November *FAILED* jk
- A COC trophy pusher vbuckz: What was the app for the filters?
- omegalol: 4:48 is This ComSiDeRed VOrE
- xd Darwin: hot
- Trump donald: Donkey
- Sky-Scepter: When she did the grandma one she look like ilovefridays girl that sung hit or miss😂💯
- Sigurd TV: *t h i c c*
- Nyx Nyx: Annoying Egg
- Diamond Draisa: The orange show is the annoying orange
- GEMINIz _: I am forbidden to laugh. Do you know why? Oh you don’t, this is why She said ew after *Minecraft.*
- undrdog: What is she using to do this
- GiffMan2034: Remember the yogurt meme in 4:02
- Brian Kurtz: Help me pls!!!
- ItzATC: She's very thicc but also very annoying
- Browen G-V: 05:30 rick flair dip in the backgrround
- João friza: Pokimane is so crazy w/ filters!!
- Hayate Kabamaru: U
- pako el patata: Este vídeo es para las pajas
- Zhycs: 13:20 Shes so ugly at this part
- Brad Manning: I was wondering the same thing
- LoLJok3rr: 0:46 Its called Pepe honey!
- Sinakm 24: U gave me an ad
- Cole Powers: Yup
- maiznieks: women are unfunny
- Alfonso Playz: what program was she using
- chasey schrei: Oof
- NameFlyer62: 00:45 crazy frog
- Wither Warrior: 3:35 "My brain has gotten to *expanancial* capacity"
- Kpop Room: Gotta love Poki ❤️
- Zapos: Go woo in a bich
- Gustavo Chavero: Is pokimane ok?
- Hayate Kabamaru: N
- F: Jesus I can see her uvula bouncing around in the fish eye one
- xalty: Lol wtf
- LuiDeSantoro: +pandabuffet I am but where is it?
- Mallyx: 3:34 oh look its that one character from ice age
- Markle Sparkle: He sure did... 4:35
- OmigadyJr: 4:03 y’all niggas can nut to this if y’all want 4:03 4:03 4:03 4:03 4:03 4:03
- MegaLoif: 4:02 YoGUrT
- Chihuahua sauce: 2:07 annoying orange still makes videos?
- Terrence Brown: Anyyoing Orange
- Julian Lorenzo: 2:04 did anyone else fap? No just me ok
- RE SENPAI: Anyone know what that app called
- Crix: Annoying orange
- oliver laden: poki gets me an idea
- Mario and Luigi's fun adventures: If anybody wants to know the background music is narcos by Migos
- Moin Patel: At 1:00 it looked like she was actually wearing glasses
- runste td: 1:22 dick
- Penguinlover 005: 9:07 PASS THOSE PLATES AROUND
- Overdxse: I want to imagine her with the wackiest filter while doing an apology video where shes crying
- Its Evan: I'm just looking at the cat lol
- NKS Distinct: literally 10 seconds before she said the exact same thing..
- Ace Alex: speakerjunkie e I’m the 999th like
- Gavo7: No you dont oh look a 1.7k like comment
- Jayisanova XD: 4:02 what filter is that
- Donnie Weiss: Honestly how do people find this funny haha
- TANG ZHE: one of them look like a di#k
- GaZn: Anyone Seeing that Cat?
- ???: ughh shes so cringy
- Storm Foxy: The first filter is my favorite. I post it on my story because i named that filter milty wilty
- exortist: Thx
- YAWA: This shit so cringe
- RAND00MI: 02:00 Yo wazzup sick nerd
- Balsa Kovacevic: 5:24-5:43 im out...
- GoldenJam_ 01: Oh my gowawd
- Brendan Belden: 4:44 when your going to answer the door and you look out the peep hole
- Jose Sosa: how does she look goofy and adorable af at the same time
- Kanzi Yanzi: 4:21 Keemstar exposed you, up-up pussy?
- isaiah mayberry: 1:06 dick head
- PulseDilxraj: InTeLCorp your too much bruh LOL
- PinguLOL 12321: 4:03 Thicc
- Lord Gunther: Poki shouldve called everyone a stream sniper withthe ninja filter
- XXMR.PIGLES XX: 3:33 I am watching on 25 of NNN
- F_KXY: tbh she looks better with the big mouth
- HypeRacer: 12:39 because ur a peanut head liek ur head is shaped liek a peanut
- GalaxyGhost302: *STREAM SNIPING*
- CHATH K: This is why GIRLS shouldn’t use any technology
- Fuze_Galaxy: 1:55 lol
- Caden Whitworth: 9:05 looking like a North Korea bodyguard
- Liam Lothian: True lmao
- Random Guy: Google translate is me friend
- The MEMEX: well fix your headphones idiot XD
- Mr . S h a d 0 w: DimerDillion and Pokiemane secret Siblings?
- The Nightmare7392: Pale bitch
- Mystic TDP: 0:43 Cheshire cat
- Omar savage: At 1:59 she look's like a egg
- NoobDumb PlaysRBX: Her cat is thinking what she is doing?
- eki noormann: Creepy
- Oh Jeah jeah: 1:06 she’s head locks like a d**k
- Cyan: btw iff you white dont say nigga please
- pandabuffet: 1:41 ghost behind her is white dog
- WP ME LEMI !: 1:53 Gimper
- Jackson wireguy: Hey where is the yogert 4:04
- Gian Villaralvo: what app is she using for the filters?
- Umaru Gaming: Babie penguin lmao😂😂
- UnKnown Gaming: 屎阪一_乜_一?贱 Idk what that means Please tell me
- Mateo Alvarez: Yes I know what are you talking about
- Hungalhiia: Yo what the fuck, this isn't Fortnite
- Cresslia: 2:25 there was a french show called "Telefrançais" or something of the like with a pineapple like that, not an orange. otherwise it would just he annoying orange
- Mr. Not So Nice Guy: Welcome back to: Why is this in my Recommended?
- Lil redd: LoL 1:57
- Golden Dragon: Nahhh that’s ship is gone sadly
- Pink LLAMA: 4:44 WhY YOu BuLly mE?
- Alt F4: 1:18 she looks like a peepee
- play grounds: she is tierd being cute thats why lol
- Just Doge: Lmao
- Sonic Gamer_YT: 3:37 goat
- Mr Nothings: not funny
- Random Guy: :(
- Ethan Mansueto: Cowgirl now
- Squid_Soup: 1:20 she look like a bong
- Red Vapor: At 3:38 pause the video and look at her just imagine her with no hair with this filter lmao XD
- Mr.Therapy: 10:05 tiktok be like
- iDehHyP3 TM: What a total dumb bitch
- thenewgoddamngambit: *Fortnite things *
- Sleepless Rain: Die
- Recrute Me chronic Xd: 2:48 the filter is stream sniping
- Peter stoiberg: T H I C C
- Captain 911: I guess she's windowmaker...
- CallMeMauri: 2:22 egg headass
- Saad Karim: why do you stopet playing LOL
- syxned synned: 4:48 hmmmmm
- Deesylistics B: 1:19 I’m bout to take some bong hits from her forehead
- NoLimitGamer: True, but don't you think, apart from what she said that she thinks that that is from Black Ops
- McDrown: 5:07 thicc
- Reality: Your so ugly without makeup
- Murdu ?¿: look this a good video of pokimane because she's not playing fortnite
- EntityX1: 0:52 you look like a chocolate freddo
- Mysterious Wolf: Rifty trash
- pp uzi: Annoying orange is the show
- Zach Ropelato: Lol
- Yuyu D.: a thot being a thot "content"
- BerZerKer BZK: Ghost😫😭😬
- TrashyEdits: how can you play with filters for 13 minutes lol
- Brooklyn's rhino: I now what your talking about
- Joselito Valencia: I love Pokimane <3<3
- gabriel lamke: What is she using?
- Random Guy: Ok DAD
- Jayden Brister: I like the one where she is THICC
- MrEazyduzit2000: 0:32 hit or miss
- Kent Barnes: *HEADACHE*
- xZodXGaming 1: There is a ghost in 1:42 someone pop up
- Ihatenightmarelol: Some of these filters are her true form... I played enough monster hunter to know what to do hold my beer
- dark memes also fortnite: 1:58 literally a potato
- Jamel Ford: Just scrolling through the comments lmao
- ThatOneRandomGuy: If any of you wanted to do this just go to snapcamera.snapchat.com/download
- KawaiiBoy: 0:45 Pokeimane face reveal when she wakes up in the morning.
- Squishy Gushers: jack skellington
- ANoN Entertainz: I seen someone in the chat say poki tight af LOLOLOLOL
- Hayden Koehn: whats the song at 5:14
- Kaleb miller: 5:57 what filter is that with the face tracking
- Frop Gaming: She looks cute
- Ikyaku: Lul
- King Dukin: When I put the ninja filter on: Stream sniping, what in idiot man like how stupid can you be
- XV Gearzzz: spend 1 year with pokimane like spend 1 month with pokimane reply
- CringyMinecraftLetsplays: Weed is legal in California
- Andy Yu: Lmao
- WIIKSTORM IS BEAST Gage: What is this app.. I want this :/
- Logan Myers: 1:27 her head looks like a peni$
- TIGER200551 FOR LIFE: For anyone saying that there is a ghost at 1:41 , it's not a ghost , it's her forehead 😶
- MaXis PatCtiet: It looks like a fake app review
- Levente Holló: ticch
- dexter doo: it's annoying orange
- FlameZ: cringe
- Lucky Llamas: I do it’s annoying orange
- DoomXP: 3:33 Remember Sid from Ice Age? This is him now. Feel old yet?
- Hxlla Dead: those filters tho XD
- Hank Hiatt: So funny love you pokimane
- alma ilaya: thicc(・´з`・)
- Im Zahui: Does she have autism??
- Dontrix: same i wanna know
- ッ-Thiagom_-: It's because she's a streamer you dumbass
- Sabertooth Dragon: 1:37 ghost???
- Gacha Jayden: 0:48 poki:i look like something that i dont know what its called??? Me:stupid😂🤣🤣
- Yunno: yikes
- Cat Naps: 👏👏👏
- Elluthegamer: Facerig <3
- andrew: 2:00 poki without makeup
- Christian Marriott-Taylor: id fuck an egg
- Angela Noell: Yaaa
- Zayik Entertainment: She literally just spit on the poor monitor 0:25 f
- Build Time: 0:43 The office lady in monsters University
- bish WTF: thats way too cute
- Evan Youmans: 1:54 humpty dumpty is is that you? Lmaoo
- Jared Cruz: And because of 1:06
- sad soulz: what do i need to watch pokis stream? Aspirin
- Xyro MastR シ: Same
- DeFrive SBlood: 1:41 legit there is a ghost ._. xD
- tomtom 321: I'm so proud of this H Hi H That's it 😃
- Kronic: Really be nice
- mikke q: 2:00 tyler1
- SuDzY Ayy: So why is she so famous again
- Ellie _: lmaoooo 😂😂😂😘😘
- ShitpostBot5000: daequan should use the one with the fucked up mouth and nose when he cuts to his facecam after he finds something stupid
- Adan Jackson: F-R-E-E that spells free
- BrilleKop: Which programm?
- monk: How does that movie make you old? It only came out a couple of years ago.
- Cole Powers: 4:03 what filter is that lmao
- ツzVazire: 1:08 Dickhead (NoHate)
Pokimane using Filters on Stream | |
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People & Blogs Plug Walk (Ufo361 Remix) | Upload TimePublished on 4 Nov 2018 |
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