Pokimane Reacts to Youtube Rewind 2018 BUt MEMES and Twitch THOT - find the funny

Thứ Tư, 13 tháng 3, 2019

Pokimane Reacts to Youtube Rewind 2018 BUt MEMES and Twitch THOT

  1. coopnasty 28: The Age demographic is between 18 and 24
  2. Flordi: true, it’s the most annoying thing ever.
  3. PayJ: You never clicked on a video and didnt finish it?
  4. MeIIo: +Rosa Martinez Nah im good, i'll stay. You're the one who needs to leave and go get an education with your turkish ass thinking you can put turkish accents in an english sentence, LMAO!
  5. Zero Orez: Bro wtf u saying
  6. The Iceman Taylor K: She copy strikes other streamers for this type of video.. yet it’s okay for her to do it? Oh okay cool
  7. _U DUN NO DE WEY_: Whogivesashit Tho twitch has ads but that doesnt equal making money from reacting to videos does it?
  8. firemaztar06 Is great: Is that Trump without the wig *DAMN*
  9. LIJish: 10:14 Mandela effect
  10. GeoffLeeRee: why doesn’t she mute her fucking donations when reacting to videos?
  11. brand0n -A52: Tbh, The only part Poki is in the grumbae rewind, is the part that is shaming her 🙁
  12. Kellen Tessier: She's so boring I don't get it
  13. LaughAtMyAim16: Basically
  14. EddielTheBestPR pr: Mary thotmas
  15. georgia smith: I finally got to say it... FUCK I REALLY DISLIKE POKIMANE, she is so annoying
  16. Drunk Taco: The more she tries to not be a twitch thot, the more she actually is ironically
  17. JulianLegos _: Some of y'all are pretty entitled. I don't watch Poki, nor do I think I would, but y'all are pretty harsh for no reason. Most of you are probably salty dudes that hate her because she's a "thot". Have fun in the real world, my guy
  18. AdverTyy: soccerdude360 Ikr nothing entertaining
  19. Hunter Biggs: Legend
  20. SuperGamerJosh: Hate this sexist bitch smh
  21. Fresh Ohh: Is this Th0T club penguin.io ?
  22. TilllDead: MrFlupsy watching her react isn’t like anything. She’s a dumb bitch who puts on an act for her fucking horny 13 year old audience
  23. yadepressedboy dxrk: +Chris it's funny because the "essay" was about something that most people would give less of a shit of
  24. Vcx: why do people enable people like this, she isnt even reacting to the videos
  25. LegendaryZoroSanjiTard: +Toby Crump fkinng retard if u don t know twitch has ad sistem to u fking braindead ape she s making money reacting from ad donations and sub using others people content go and fap to her u piece of shit 12 years old white knight
  26. dominick davis: won't watch a fortnite clip compilation but will watch the entire Gabgogabgalab video *MONKA S*
  27. johny yes papa: Twitch streamers are now bunch reaction channels
  28. NATHANIEL HURTADO: Pokimane is trash at fortnite
  29. Preme Dreem: Poki doesnt give a fuck If she isn’t in it
  30. Beastassassin 132: When she acts like she never played fortnite omegalol
  31. TSĐ_GrassHopper: I honestly know this girl only cuz of Myth, idk why she even has a spot in fortnite community ? shes not even average...probably just cuz some puberty hits em guys so they play themselves on her makeup or whatever..but ok.
  32. UnstableOne: Pokimane is a dumbass thot.
  33. Midas Akira: +StoicBehavioR wait why she gotta be a cuck or women to say women have utility? Of course they have utility their role in the world has always been since the beginning to birth children and defend the camp.
  34. lemuhnn lime: ahhahahha, that's not hot :(
  35. Bryan Diaz: she isn't
  36. kDart 007: 4
  37. First Step Forward: What makes her think a lot of people gotten over fortnite.. it’s sill as popular as ever
  38. InsanelyMad: What was that sound in the background at 10:17
  39. KatzoMatzo: Dovahkiin Skywalker I agree, if people send clips at least see it, she’s literally playing with her nails.
  40. Mr kvi2levakvi5leva: ima have to dislike this just because its fortnite
  41. Trixyix: Her twitch chat is full of 9yr olds
  42. DaneHG: Damn i actually got annoyed by Poki she didn’t watch anything just her phone at first and the video was good too
  43. Safet Huskic: Send boobs and vegana
  44. Gameroom Xero: 7:24 is what you came for
  45. Mathias Carroll: 7:02 poki take notes
  46. Rhanjie: Thank me im your 1000th like
  47. ChronicShah: Dont talk about my wife man ffs
  48. Lil D: I know my place, in the kitchen
  49. Pa Pa: Uh 🗿
  50. Sandrus05 Fortnite batle royale: 1:18. ARE YOU KISSING UR MOM WHITH THAT MOUFH!?
  51. S U C C: Yoo this the girl with the Thicc ass...?.?.?. XD
  52. Med YK: 7:17 you have no personality and nothing else to offer that's why you're using your body.
  53. Typical Bryan02: Ummmm wack
  54. Gorillaz_comrade 410: +Thrilloby uhh for some people yeah nut not every one
  55. Milkpower: Pokimain dead
  56. It’s Ye Boi: Did you know you can’t breathe when you smile? Jk I just wanted to make you smile and have a good day
  57. i rage: .
  58. Pie Gaming: What i if told you... You read this wrong Btw I need subs lol
  59. Tyanx: Becareful might get taken doen
  60. PRo ADz: Imma change my name to pokies fat ass and stream snipe her
  61. KenpachiAjax Gaming: What happened to poki.
  62. JC gaming: I didn't watch the video but if someone can honestly tell me this wasn't clickbait I will watch it.
  63. Vaggis. Not: I am from Greece and the first thot is also from Greece and I feel discusted
  64. Brascer: why so meny ads?
  65. Pee Pee: Video should be called: terrible streamer that cucks watch named “pokimane” sits in a chair and pays attention to twitch clips for 5 seconds”
  66. Joshua Coreas696969: FBI Has please don’t check my history
  67. TuTioAnImA: Is this reaction to the video or to her nails??? xD This is why Charmx is oen of the best react channels, he reacts and has opinions that are worth watching
  68. TilllDead: ATR Sten please kys you cunt
  69. lolk: pokimane bad streamer
  70. TilllDead: Swip Top Gaming lol
  71. Lil Pepe: 3– 85
  72. Nothing: You are saying it wrong, it's "Eggs hate me"
  73. Daniel Nikolov: Shlabal glabal dlabal abal al
  74. DrDoomRay: +MeIIo for no playing fortnite you know a think or 2 about it thats very weird
  75. youngdagger dick: It fake reaction
  76. Enoc Reyes: Why the fuck every video got like 50 ads holy shit
  77. F ᴇ ᴀ ʀ: Nice lol
  78. LDGT: Title should’ve been “Pokimane puts on nail paint and pulls up a YouTube Rewind Parody to let viewers watch”
  79. Shawn Watterson: When people watch streamers like this you know twitch is in a downward spiral
  80. Raul H: Lmao!!!
  81. Kurios Kourampies: Αυτή είναι η Έλενα στο thumbnail ?
  82. Luca_solid_snake: lol my comment is there 1:22 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
  83. Master: 7:00 poutana elena!
  84. BroK3nbob: are thot haters gay?
  85. Zack B: People pay her to watch things and then she doesn't watch all of it. I don't even see why, oh wait, it's because she is a woman
  86. TamezTech: Pokimane is a hipocrite bitch
  87. Zonix: She isn’t even watching any of it tf
  88. IV Ruin: 6 ads on a stolen video.... sickening
  89. Shockwavesh34: Hate this bitch
  90. aka_pandass: Που είναι ο αρχηγός να το δει
  91. Nibir Beastmaster 64: poki is kind of a dick
  92. larryboyyy: ThatTripleTap yeah she’s an actual fucking idiot . It’s like one brain cell is struggling to survive in that fucking head of hers
  93. Mike Kampa: ΧΑΧΑΧΑΧΑΧΑΧΑ
  94. Shame On You.: Outro?
  95. Baki B: A thot is a thot
  96. Jim123bcb HD: ikr
  97. Gonzajac GonR: Wtf is this! She’s not even REACTING
  98. Xpher Tsunami: I would smash her
  99. Whogivesashit Tho: When moe was popping off on twitch she duos with him after that he duo’d with myth because he is popping on twitch as well.
  100. Ygritte: This is shit, she has one fucking job and she is unable to do it correctly.
  101. AarOly: 2019 will be the last year that ends in teen in our lifetime
  102. It’s Ye Boi: Tumai Nei np
  103. soccerdude360: How do people watch her lol
  104. Dini S.: Just another dumb twitch thot. Shocker.
  105. RivDav Gaming: This pokemane girl is so damn dumb,
  106. Brandon’s Garage: Her reactions are retarded
  107. Dominique Marshall: I’m very sorry sir but I had to dislike because you put pokimane in it.If you hadn’t I would have liked and subscribe but my instincts just tell me to avoid pokimane.
  108. Natural N-Shot: Pokimanes a know it all
  109. Frosty: Thot reacts to thots
  110. free clout: 7:09 why is she streaming instead of being in the kitchen making a sandwitch if she knows her place as a woman
  111. Uranus Man: What does she mean fortnite is dying
  112. George Thornton: ​+Jeff-2nice​ kinda respectable
  113. K E L T O N*: Dows she not realize that the whole "in the kitchen" meme is a fucking joke
  114. Ethan: could’ve been a 3 minute video but ok
  116. Urs Graf: Pokimaine doing other stuff while video plays = Reaction
  117. John Silca: Pokimaine is a Instagram thot
  118. Aefae: This twitch streamer here does not approve of her clips being used by youtubers because its her content BUT as you can see here she just watches random videos from youtubers because its free content? Pokimane, wtf?
  119. UnderdogIQ22: Stolen content by her, then stolen by you, then somehow MONITIZED!?!?! WTF YOUTUBE
  120. Fernando Franco: I fucking hate poki and she thinks everybody likes her and worships like everyone forgot about the kid that beats his meat to you kys
  121. Danny Orange: She's even worse than xQc
  122. joschua bluhm: Poki is a cam girl.
  123. TheReal Dr.P3PP3R: Poki is on that tik tok shit
  124. This is a cry for help: THOT
  125. Jacque Snicket: *AnD tHeN aM gOnNa CuM rEaL hArD oN tHeM*
  126. martin sanchez: What dumbasses really sit there and watch this girl paint her nails? It's sad
  127. TilllDead: Frost Limbu I hope your being sarcastic
  128. Bestof just chatting: Jesus Christ
  129. natasha aquino: potang ina nyo mga bobo mga olol hit like if you dont understand hahahaha XD
  130. Razing100: λολ
  131. Regnal YT: A thot reacts to thots
  132. Niqob: +Jameel nice mashed potatoes lol
  133. Zain Mohammad: Just get off your chair
  134. Nicholas W: fucking idiot lol, NEEEEEEEXT
  135. black wolf: She is realy boring and shallow
  136. Angel Adan Olivos: Every day I start to think more and more that I'm the only boy that is not sexist :(
  137. κοτομπεϊκον κσοκλισι: Damn right she's a thot
  138. pessimismo: Lol
  139. DOUJIN TAMER: At 1:28 you can see her dogs reflection in the YouTube play button
  140. Whogivesashit Tho: She has her fake laugh there so its fair use
  141. DROP THE SHIELD BLITZ DROP IT: Pokimane is on pornhub I was randomly scrolling and there it is
  142. Bleachy bOI: NATHANIEL HURTADO yea but fortnite is ass anyway so who cares
  143. Frost Limbu: What a entertaining streamer ☺
  144. – Uncle –: Original video is so much better
  145. rikke grönlund: "Twitch has a serious anti feminist problem" Well the world has a serious feminist problem
  146. TilllDead: iGiveNoLucks disgusting
  147. Aaron Juars: she is a boring thot
  148. Karyukoo: REACT HARDER!
  149. XenoGent: The amount of ads
  150. Karnivoren und Ich: Tf you lying fanboi
  151. Ren kun: I wish she would just show us her tits already. She gets paid so much to not do a Damn thing and she can because she knows she has all the white knight virgins in the palm of her hand
  152. Vizzle: Didn’t she just copyright strike someone for using some of her clips? What a fucking hypocritical cunt.
  153. Owen Slutz #19: Fortnite Demographic —> 4 - 6 Years Old
  154. Mr. SwitchLight: She’s watching other peoples video while streaming and then complains people are using here clips 🤦🏽‍♂️
  155. Nanis N: elena poutaniara
  156. Chris!: Joshua Perez she’s Canadian so she’s probably more liberal
  157. Azazel Potato: I find it kind of egotistical that she assumes that anyone cares enough about that kid that said he beats his meat to her to put him in a meme video, like seriously your the only one that still cares
  158. KK: Pokimane earns money on Twitch by watching other's videos
  159. Ghxst_Aiden: Pokis face tho lol
  160. Hugo Lindholm: Gaynite
  161. DrDoomRay: 5:18 suicide rate went up too 100%
  162. Bee Song: So there was more to the clip?
  163. Silent Phantom: How many people saw this and went immediately to the vid and went to 5:18
  164. mackattack: dont want to watch u watching other shit lol
  165. KenpachiAjax Gaming: She is saying like she respects all types of men. The hypocrisy.
  166. Izzarif fla: Feelsbad man this channels just leech of others people success
  167. INVALID BUILDZ: At least poki knows where they belong
  168. Harry Plopper: All my Duo and squad fills are little kids screaming. Not enjoyable
  169. Gazzy Garcia: ROYAL_7_Spades_v I wonder WHY she would copy right strike someone for using HER CONTENT
  170. Ark Angel: She thinks no one lies about their age online xD
  171. Whogivesashit Tho: Fkin hell pokimane is a hypocritical little shit she is claiming peoples youtube videos here and there and here she is fking reacting to a youtube video without adding anything. She is annoying goddamn
  172. Dovahkiin Skywalker: Yeah, most streamers are just completely rude in the way that they ignore vids submitted to them. The whole point is that people want to see YOUR reaction to what they submitted. That's why people watch streamers in the first place. And sometimes people are even PAYING to submit these clips and when the streamer shows no interest and doesn't pay attention it's just rude. I'm not saying that they have to be amused by everything they see, but it's at least courteous( if somebody paid at least) to at least watch the damn vids. If somebody didn't pay, and it's something they're not interested in seeing, they should ignore those ones or just not accept video submissions at all. Edit: don't like pokimane. She's a garbage streamer. Changed my mind lol.
  173. Thimoté Bardon: Yeah she is super bad at this reaction stuff the shmoyoho video was the best rewind remix and she didn’t even watch it entirely
  174. GNG gaMer: Sorry Pokimane is a thot.
  175. Gaspar Ghost: she is STOOPID
  176. iFang: pokimane watched tik tok
  177. XD VIPER: No shit
  178. Missu Katten: Pokimane is a bitch
  179. Dereck W.: Just like her own voice
  180. KXNG DNES SEDUN: she needs to shut up and watch the video
  181. 69Unoriginal69: This bitch is stupid LOL
  182. Rafael Viramontes: But she’s a twitch thot?
  183. Ez Clap: 11:21- 11:26 is the sound that the average pokimane viewer makes every time the see her
  184. Jim123bcb HD: +Solsar true
  185. Brett T: Poki is a thot. Thats why she plays league and fortnite
  186. ToxicNation: Kys
  188. Dennya Hr: +Regnal YT So she is a thot because she gets donations? Lmao are you retarded? By your logic, every streamer is a thot lol...
  189. Azazel Potato: Jäger From GSG9 yep
  190. Hellfire Kce: 7:00 thank me later
  191. SparkyCat: How can anyone stand her lmao
  192. Magic tricks and Juggling: Αρε ελενα σε μάθανε όλοι
  193. skie: Bro pokimane is like the worst person to watch when she reacts to a video. She pauses to much and explains every single second like she knows everything
  194. LaurteVirus 38: I’m 14 and I stopped playing after it started to make me gay.
  195. Saiiko99: +Rhanjie thank you :)
  196. Josh Oyen: Jesus christ lmao. A bunch of pussies getting triggered over nothing.
  197. X7 KARMA onhakimon: *These days people beetween 5-7 Play and some of PewDiePie's 9year old Army BTW Subscribe To PewDiePie*
  198. Phexium: Pokimane is A THOT
  199. Youssef Aref: ADBLOCK
  200. 8Kills: 3
  201. _ _: Sub to my channel
  202. Persona Joker: That fake laugh from the start lmao
  203. TheMadRat: 6 adds in 12 min = addblock Burnout
  204. Frostmare: Thumbnail at 7:02
  205. Matthew Loutsis: 89
  206. Whogivesashit Tho: Gazzy Garcia its not even her twitch content its her tweets on twitter.
  207. Jim Horton: 10:30 Mandela Effect
  208. 1,000 subscribers with Two videos: Guys just remember she’s actually an egg
  209. TilllDead: Karyukoo no, actually react, in a real way. Her reacting “HARDER” is when it’s like myth is under the table.
  210. Giovanni Gallardo: Where's the original video?
  211. PopYourCherries: Ngl I’d smash the “twitch thot” over pokimane
  212. Abdessamad Admairi: she makes every video looking bad and unenjoyable , fucking thot
  213. BakedBeans: Lol it's funny because pokimane is ugly without makeup
  214. Optimus Uzamaki: 7:23 so they can eat u
  215. Los sellout: Thank god I’m a atheist
  216. kmata53: thot dresses in bra: pokimane reaction - haha she trolled the incels. Reckful better expose her on her superficiality again.
  217. stxcoop •: Who made the rewind fortnite edition, we already have the fortnite edition, it’s the original rewind
  218. Scorn: It’s more poggers than monka s
  219. MrFlupsy: watching her "react" to something is like eating unsalted mashed potatoes. she just doesn't add anything to it. it's just meh
  220. Ilker 19: probably the reason why i stopped watching at 5seconds after i saw all the yellow markers ,-)
  221. Dilwarboss: Stop pausing the video you b***h
  222. Harley Shaver: Im 12 some guys were talkin trash about me cause my voice then i destroyed them in a 1v3 on rainbow six seige
  223. Cringe Studio: Swip Top Gaming shut the fuck up, you are not allowed to be on youtube until you are 13 kid
  224. S.H Parkour: This video isn’t full of memes. It’s full of fucking fortnite shit
  225. Amon Binder: Title should be Twitch thot reviews twitch thots
  226. chris someone: Ur famous
  227. bro broson: De Code hella woke
  228. GecKo DaFonz: poki saying she will react *plays video* and doesn't even watch it like W T F
  229. doctor vinz: Isn’t pokimane a twitch thot?
  230. Daddy Krampus: Yo who is this video by?
  231. Adrian Lopez: Isn’t pokimane a twitch thot?
  232. Samuel J: THOT!!!!!!!
  233. CTN_W0lf: Actually gotta agree its pokimane tho
  234. Darth Qiza: Ninja fan base is the answer 5-12 yrs old
  235. Michael Myers: Yeah but she thicc
  236. CaptainBro11: Why so many fucking ads on content that’s not yours?
  237. Jameel: I dont put fucking salt in my mashed potatoes
  238. Can we get 5000 subscribers with no videos: JE BAITED BOYS
  239. Kîrä: She is just bad at reactions... doesn't even pay attention 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️
  240. Diddox1: She is.. but shes acting like an innocent girl and overreacting..
  241. CMDR Pain: Fortnite player base demographics USA 18-24 62.7% 25-34 22.5% 35-44 12.7% 45-54 2%
  242. Tatocat: +The Fortnite Default You fucking get it! These horny 12 year olds call girls thots the second they wear tights, yet they constantly call girls thicc, spam girls for nudes, and preach the fact that they'd fuck 90% of the girls they call thots and "HaTe."
  243. DAB Gang Cringe: 1
  244. Flash light: CMDR Pain what about under 18?
  245. Jaylen Gao: 9:58 MEAT
  246. gabrij12: +柴草 she has a lot of down times then
  247. LegendaryZoroSanjiTard: +Dennya Hr she is a thot deal with it braindead ape.go fap to her
  248. Jake B: Just realized this channel literally just stole content and put a bunch of ads on it.
  249. Sans Undertale: Here reactions to anything are trash
  250. black wolf: +Bleachy bOI i am way older than you think kid.
  251. Nate and Lucas: It sucks that her reactions are fake bro
  252. Thrilloby: Swip Top Gaming You obviously are very young yikes
  253. GGM Bush Boi: 3:44 anti Semitism
  254. king_ buuhan: Well I found $4123a making system that is really working:(just go to) greatworks.club/?yTgUk Great work...
  255. Exotic _: Hibana
  256. JDC: Who else hates her twitch voice donate sound. Sounds like some annoying child
  257. janiceorsomething: Lmaoo
  258. Weeb Overlord: JUST REACT AND PAY ATTENTION, she doesn't even pay attention to this shit or even play the video for more than like 2 minutes
  259. Bleachy bOI: Michael Myers stfu 12 yr old you’ll never lose your virginity
  260. Mogatas Gaming: You have six ads on a 12 minute video and its not even your content talk about a scum...
  261. RDS Stainton: Poki is obsessed with that kid who said he beats his meat to her
  262. Bleachy bOI: First Step Forward fortnite is dying fuckin 11 yr old that sucks epics dick
  263. yadepressedboy dxrk: +Thrilloby he's clearly never watched her streams
  264. Ignis2Reckless: Poki and the rest of us that for sure know she said ... in the kitchen. Thats the Mandela effect lol.
  265. Christopher Valle: I heard her say her spot is In the kitchen
  266. Biscuitsarefood Yum: Nobody cares about kids being horny over pokimane. The bigger meme is the fact that she actually got called "brave" for not wearing makeup
  267. Riiziie: Libtard
  268. Vincent Roemers: +Dovahkiin Skywalker or pokimane
  269. Angel Rivera: Pokiman is more of a thot than her 😭
  270. KenpachiAjax Gaming: She is the defender of thots.
  271. KenpachiAjax Gaming: She just assumed like a feminazi in the helena clip.
  272. C H 1 C K 3 N: xd
  273. Albin Torstensson: Jesus, the first video says ”Rewind 2018 fortnite edition” and she complains about there being fortnite... holy shit this gurlll stupid
  274. *BlackFire*: Did she not see the title of the first video, it literally says fortnite edition. Holy shit
  275. N0ah x: Her stream is her painting her nails and ignoring donations lmao
  276. Gorillaz_comrade 410: +Jäger From GSG9 want my acog i dont want to be a doc main
  277. Logan Vorderbrug: I only respect one type of woman. Not Libtards.
  278. Dovahkiin Skywalker: +Vincent Roemers well, it makes sense that you would White Knight her, with pepe in your profile pic, you probably spend your entire day on twitch touching yourself, watching pokimane. Good job!
  279. FireBall_VsWater: She’s not even reacting
  280. billy: Who else went to the origanal fortnite rewind just to see pokimane moan
  281. Toxxi19: Everytime i watch her "react" to Youtube Videos im getting triggered so fucking hard because she doesnt fucking pay attention holy shit.
  282. Valbon Abazi: 2
  283. Dyanjp !: Poke just looking for herself in the comments and video lol
  284. Boys Who Cry: 9:28 your reaction when you watching this reaction videon.
  285. Jäger From GSG9: Azazel Potato hmmmm
  286. ChaoticLynx: That girl got a 90 day ban today for "hatespeech." can we get an f in the chat
  287. TilllDead: She’s a dumb hypocritical fake bitch
  288. lowercaseletters: It’s Ye Boi *I can breathe with my nose. Nice try.*
  289. Applenox: 6 fucking ads in a 12 minute video man your thirsty
  290. sxmeonッ: no shit sherlock
  291. King Breaux: What u are looking for is at 7:00
  292. niilo 22: 666 likes
  293. kermit: Last time I react to her watching anything
  294. Topdropgaming: Lol Imane’s face 5:57
  295. Orlano Fanis: Because the videos are boring. The good ones are rare. Sending her your favorite one doesn’t mean you sent a good one.
  296. Enrico Capoferri: She is so fucking bad at reactions
  297. Max: JustChin lol its accurate
  298. Unregistered User: Logan Vorderbrug please share
  299. Jesus McManus: Well there's not that much of "react"
  300. Bleachy bOI: soccerdude360 perverted 12 yr old spamming “THICC” in her chat
  301. It’s Ye Boi: random content read the bottom part of my comment
  302. Bigbug 05: When you want to hit that 10 minute mark so you put other random clips
  303. Tatocat: I literally love how you 12 year olds constantly call girls thicc and say youd fuck them, but once a girl wears tights she a slut. Y'all borderline hypocrites for that.
  305. _U DUN NO DE WEY_: Ulrik Jeppesen your logic is so messed up...
  306. Felix Standen: Ohh yeah
  307. broomerd `: People lie about their age all the time on the internet
  308. larryboyyy: Gazzy Garcia Are you stupid? Some guy used a clip ; that’s fair use you fucking idiot . Not eligible for a copyright
  309. unknown: PROFFF
  310. - Prowler: I’m not trying to be creepy or rude but pokimane looks so cute 😆😆
  311. Shimozukito: I Like how this Channel stole evrything and Put 5 ads in a 12 min vid
  312. MeIIo: +Rosa Martinez hm really? Im the only one here actually using proper grammar and doesn't say complete nonsensible bullshit thinking it makes sense. LMAO I feel bad if you ever have children. I know if I was your kid I would kill myself immediately. Even though im pretty sure people with down syndrome cant have kids, but you'll probably figure out a way
  313. Andrew Szabo: This is trash
  314. ATR Sten: Pin this if yu love your fans!
  315. Faquito: It hurts how beautiful she is....
  316. Judd Barker: Yo at 1:10 what does the blue numbers mean
  317. BalkBit99 TV: “Reaction” paints her fucking nails
  318. noka: Ez Clap yes
  319. Listen to pup: Poki thiccccc
  320. Bupit: tbh pokimane is so boring she legit has the worst gameplay and boring ass commentary i dont know how people like her (dont judge me its just my opinion)
  321. ChristLover: She will never be in the rewind
  322. Snipe shot: 7:01 where most of us came here for. Lets be honest.
  323. Can't Think Of A Name: Why is everyone spamming thiccc in her chat? She is not even close to being thiccc.
  324. atedj0: +Youssef Aref no adblock on mobile :/
  325. Rosa Martinez: +MeIIo wrong again lol trust me your the one who needs it
  326. DIDYEE: im monky
  327. M Mac: she’s just a bad streamer......makes cash because she’s hot
  328. Suq Madiq: Fuckkk pokimane ugly bitchh and his white gayy knights
  329. Chris: That whole entire thing you just wrote is longer than most my essays
  330. ROYAL_7_Spades_v: Didn't this chick copy strike another Youtuber for using her clip?
  331. pgrieves14: Wow great content pokimane person who’s copy right striking for doing exactly what she’s doing....
  332. Mint Tea Sea: Did you really need to put 6 midroll ads on a clip of someone else’s content? You fucking piece of shit
  333. Andrea Perosino: 12 Yo fap material twitch thot reacting to others twitch thots. Yikes
  334. argj dak: HAYATE ARMY RE MOUNIA
  335. LeMegaOof: 90% of comments, She a thot 10% of comments, anything other than calling her a thot Dude she’s not a thot by definition, who ever calls her a thot your wrong, maybe your not wrong in your definition or opinion but, by DEFINITION she is not considered a “thot” and no I’m not a “fanboy” or a “perverted” fag, all I wrote this comment for was because I’m getting annoyed by the comments calling her a thot
  336. Dx Glitches: This meme is too perfect for this video. I have been waiting forever to use this meme finally! https://youtu.be/dOwEOkZG5bc
  337. FBI: How can I respect women when women don't respect themselves.
  338. Whogivesashit Tho: Toby Crump do you not know twitch has ads?
  339. vortex 3567: My little cousin thinks it's 4-60
  340. LouiKey: She's ugly not even entertaining ugly ass thot take that mf make up off fake laugh piece off shit bunch of 13 year olds watch her she sounds annoying af
  341. RyNo: Notice after watching Shroud hit a sick shot in Fortnite, a game he doesn’t play often but she does, and that’s when she wants to skip the Fortnite Montage.
  342. Oscar Andersen: Pokimane (barely) reacts
  343. SixtyDiagram323: Poki is a thot
  344. Pester: She on her period
  345. Scye FN: 1:16 is that pokimane wit bangs?😭😭
  346. Jim123bcb HD: My exact reaction
  347. lol: What is this? She can use other people's shit on twitch but if they use her shit on youtube she claims all the money on the video. She is the twitch thot.
  348. Mpak: Η Έλενα έφτασε μέχρι εδω;
  349. Gilbert Gonzalez: She’s actually insanely boring, I tried watching one of her streams and it’s her just sitting in her chair while virgins drool to her in chat.
  350. Mr. Fancypants: "I beat my meat to poki"
  351. Michael Juhl: At least she admits she’s a hoe
  352. spicys here: I tried it
  353. Naruto Uzumaki: Elena poutanaaaa
  354. Saiiko99: title should be "Pokimane clicks on several videos but doesn't watch more than 10 seconds"
  355. Almighty Nick: Confirmed women arent funny
  356. o gamias sas: Η ελενα γαμωωωω το σπιτι τηςς😂😂
  357. atedj0: Yikes. 6 ads in a 12 min vid
  358. Meanmachine 929: 6 ads on a video of stolen content I dislike people like you.
  359. Jeppe Lærkesen: Why is there not that many gamer girls? Because there is bad connection in the kitchen
  360. Daniel Brian: Pokimane: I don't like watching fortnite mintage cuz I only play it for the monayyy 😁😁
  361. MGames King YT: Μέχρι την poki έφτασε η χάρη σου Έλενα!! 7:01
  362. Ashan Trisheild: Why did this bitch even kept the video playing. She's not even watching it. Dumb bitchass
  363. Solsar: Jim123bcb HD Calling others kids even though you yourself are one (whom I despise) and complaining about a guy complaining (which is r/ironic).
  364. dominick davis: agreed. she seems to have the attention span as a cat on LSD
  365. Χάρι γκάρι παπάρι κάρι: Μλκιες χοντρό εξποσντ σε Έλενα από ποκι πρεπε το δει ο αρχηγός
  366. Can't Think Of A Name: She is not a YouTuber. But then again neither is Ninja and he was in it.
  367. Dx Glitches: This meme is too perfect for this video. I have been waiting forever to use this meme finally! https://youtu.be/dOwEOkZG5bc
  368. Michael Quinn: Turn donations off ffs and watch the video
  369. Jigsaw: +KenpachiAjax Gaming she's horny!
  370. Hecatrice: Μπράβο Ελενάκι,HelenaLive Greece represent 🇬🇷
  371. TilllDead: Real Craig she was born a thot
  372. Tiffany Rodriguez: You came for 7:04 ❤
  373. Vincent Roemers: +Dovahkiin Skywalker actually I don't watch fortnite on twitch at all but whatever
  374. William Hite: Thx
  375. ThatTripleTap: she’s actually brain dead
  376. i rage: . N
  377. Nibba Tron.v2: Pokimane is the biggest normie
  378. TilllDead: Darth Qiza the answer to?
  379. Craig Craig: craig's craig what the fuck is going on right now
  380. AddePadde: Wow, only 6 ads
  381. First Step Forward: No wonder Poki has disappeared she stopped playing fortnite and decided it was a good idea to talk shit on trump.. girls lost it.. hope she enjoyed her short lived twitch success
  382. Topa: Don't be sorry
  383. B WATERSONN: This is so boring
  384. jayden farrell: Poki needs to accept a bangbros contract. Under the Asian petite category
  385. Κωνσταντινος Σαμαρας: ΕΛΕΝΑ ΠΟΥΤΑΝΑ
  386. Chewieman: This isn't her channel. Why are you getting so butthurt about a streamer losing interest
  387. Vincent Roemers: Not rude at all the streamer doesn't owe anyone anything and if they aren't enjoying the video they will click off
  388. Manuel Guerra: She should have watch Pewdiepies one
  389. Necroruin _error: What the Thot is going on in this video? YouTwitch Thot?
  390. The best Gamer: What the actually fuck??
  391. colton: +The Fortnite Default preach bring all that negativity to people like amourath
  392. LORD B L O W N: Aaron Juars I have to agreed
  393. Newto: I mean if i want to see some YouTube Twitch rewind but it’s actually just some shitty fortnite highlight i’ll do the same
  394. Jin B: Poki gets mad at people taking her clips yet all she does is react to others content and gains off it..... I smell hypocrisy
  395. 5000 subscribers with no videos: BEGONE THOT
  396. BBgub: This whore get her tits out or.?...
  398. MLG NO SCOPER91: Sub to me
  399. Real Craig: Honestly she should just focus on being a thot and stop reacting.
  400. Whogivesashit Tho: Keemstars twitter videos is on that video as well but, keemstar being keemstar he didn’t go out of his way to copyright strike the guy. Keemstar is a good guy and pokimane is a fake bitch and a hypocritical bitch as well....
  401. Sensefy: imagine playing fortnite all day then not wanting to watch a really good edited meme fortnite montage by grumbae
  402. Toxin Ripe: Cum on them hardlol
  403. Paulo games: She doesn’t like the fact that it’s a fortnite montage when the title is literally saying that it’s a fortnite montage
  404. Joker is_mad8765: She doesn’t deserve those game ones 😢
  405. DyanYT: Μαλακα η ελενα
  406. DoubleHeadEagle: Poki reacts to globglobgabdalab
  407. Joshua Perez: 5:19 hahaha poki make big bad orange man joke, epic joke
  408. Whogivesashit Tho: IV Ruin not really the sickening one here is pokimane. She doesn’t even fking reacts she is just cutting her fking nails acting cute
  409. stevep2704: 8 to 26
  410. iGiveNoLucks: I hate eggs 🥚
  411. Radishman: 5:20 just don’t even bring politics
  412. BestBros !: come all over them LOL😂😂
  413. H: No, she’s a twitch thot.
  414. SONI AMV: Στείλτε το στον χαγιατε ΓΡΗΓΟΡΑ ΒΟΙΣ
  415. Like Skyfall: It is funny how she complains about people stealing content but streaming something live is the same.
  416. De Code: She missed the point of Helena's troll. She is trolling that in society, women use their looks for success... she said it multiple times, if she can succeed using her looks, why not? She is using her looks to get men drooling like idiots & pay money... the same way Pokimane has success because of her looks. Would Pokimane or Helena put the effort to look good on stream if it did not provide them popularity or success? The whole kitchen thing is her preconception or prejudice. She goes on a rant about incels but misses the point of the troll or the reality of twitch or society. Men have privileges based on looks, how tall or etc... but the ones who profit the most on looks are women. That's how society works.
  417. Thomas Prent: Boobs on thumbnail -check Video stretched to at least 10 mins -check 6 ads in a 12 min video -wtf
  418. EliaZ GmoD: 7:00 i agree tho. She knows her place as a woman! That's good. Changed my mind
  419. That Guy: Wtf are all these ads in the video. That's a little excessive.
  420. xX Nart Xx: AH THAT'S HOT THAT'S HOT
  421. Othman dont: It is called Fortnite edition you dumbass
  422. Felix Standen: Brother
  423. high_reacher: Bruh im 26 and still play fortnite but tbh ild rather play STW than BR.. BR is just the same shit different game, i mainly play it to do challenges and collect stuff.. STW has way more variety and way more challenges and different sort of rewards and it actually feels like your working towards something..
  424. Orgasm: 7:20 to pouli tou arxhgou omws to pernei
  425. Electromancer21606: The only reason she is successful is because of her body and face
  426. Christians For Pewdiepie: She is just adorable
  427. Ark Angel: That thot hot tho and if she wants to stand in my kitchen go the fuck ahead
  428. Daniel Brian: Haha poki getting triggered 🤣🤣🤣
  429. Elayna Spencer: Darkness in the hole of YouTube nothing is original lmao
  430. Jacob Holm: 9:28
  431. Regnal YT: +Dennya Hr no, not every streamer is a thot. But I swear I never watch pokimane because of a game she plays or because of her skills but because of her video titles like one boob and why did I agree to do this (click bait)
  432. Jim123bcb HD: shes annoying, why the fk did she click on the video if she wasn't even going to watch it. And she doesn't even pay attention to the meme one
  433. Dex Vunny: 3:49 DA FUCK DID SHE JUST SAY!?
  434. E man: Nice ads
  435. Jullian Molina: 7:10 she actually knows wassup lmfaooo
  436. I I I I I I I I I: Poki you coming back to gta? Will Smith: NAAAA
  437. sxmeonッ: True
  438. H: She talks about incels without realising her following is made up of a large portion of them.
  439. LiL JunkBear: A thot reacting to a thot
  440. Tareq Osmani: Holy fuck the fact that she pauses the videos 8 million times gets me fucking tight holy shit.. pay attention you autistic adhd fuck
  441. ROYAL_7_Spades_v: +Gazzy Garcia but she doing the same thing xD
  442. Hecatrice: Papapap
  443. innerbloom: she's so fake
  444. MeIIo: +Rosa Martinez and yes I did come just for the comments, cuz my friend told me he got a 100 likes on his comment and I didn't believe him so he gave me this link. And then I decided to play a little joke on this comment thread and act like a toxic piece of shit, and obviously it worked. Because I managed to get 4 people very angry, so I would call this a success
  445. Geqez: Thought the thumbnail was nipslip😂
  446. Klimis Symeonidis: h elena r alh8ia??
  447. Shredderchen: Whats that Kind of reaction
  448. Beamish Dwarf: When she knew she meant kitchen cause most women know they go to the kitchen because that's what they want
  449. Samoan Menace: Fuck poki is such a normie
  450. CasinoR: Pokimane is a twitch thot btw
  451. Jordan Allen: 5:18 Hating on other political beliefs
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Pokimane Reacts to Youtube Rewind 2018 BUt MEMES and Twitch THOT

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People & Blogs Upload TimePublished on 18 Dec 2018

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