Credit to OFFLINE TV and Greekgodx https://www.twitch.tv/greekgodx OFFLINE TV #offlinetv
🔶Chris Chan - https://www.twitch.tv/chrischantor
🔶Pecca - https://www.twitch.tv/peccapecca
🔶Scarra - https://www.twitch.tv/scarra
🔶Pokimane - https://www.twitch.tv/pokimane
🔶Yvonnie - https://www.twitch.tv/yvonnie
🔶Lilypichu - https://www.twitch.tv/lilypichu
🔶Disguised Toast - https://www.twitch.tv/disguisedtoasths
🔶Fedmyster - https://www.twitch.tv/fedmyster
🔶Albert - https://www.twitch.tv/sleightlymusical
🔶Xell - https://www.twitch.tv/xell_stream
🔶TheeMarkZ - https://www.twitch.tv/theemarkz
Tags;offlinetv,offlinetv and greekgodx,offline tv and greekgodx best moments,offline tv and greek,offlinetv and greekgodx best moments,offline tv,offline,offline tv greek,offline tv,greekgodx and offlinetv,greekgodx and lily,lilypichu,albert,greekgodx and albert,greekgodx and pokimane,greekgodx and fedmyster,scarra,offlinetv highlights,ariasaki,greekgodx offlinetv,offlinetv greekgodx funny moments,
Please watch: "Jakes gets JEBAITED | Poki x Greek | Jake and Kana | Jodi copy pasta rap"
- JupiterShots: Nikolay Ilin I forgot but I’m pretty sure its classic piece by Chopin
- Taylor W: I'm so confused
- Rei: +Judgmentdayz Language transforms us. A call to reconsider the words we use with each other isn’t censorship; it’s an opportunity to find new abilities in ourselves. It’s an opportunity to embrace those that have been excluded for so long. It’s an opportunity to make up for lost time.
- EceerTV: Fortnite channel uploading greek WeirdChamp
- Hipster pig: fucking takes giant sip of drink Greek: can i eat your ass what great fucking timing
- Noii-z-Boii: GREEK is the GOAT. He's gonna get so many haters from this. 🤣😂
- Ricey: 10:10 lollolo
- Josh Thomas: Greek isn’t bad at the didgeridoo
- J 1: So can i eat your ass...
- BrokeCollegeStud: imma be a 100% real... i love how greek is around offline tv he is such a great cool dude and actually also talented very funny and i wish them the best of luck
- Fig Figgins: I don't get it, if you gonna be stealing content, atleast upload the version without potato quality? Every single video of yours is dogshit quality
- Great Chief: Legend.......... wait for it
- Feelsbadman: HAhaa edgy BTW
- Bully Hunter: +clutched010 Dudes on every comment getting upset if you say anything about them except how amazing they're
- Dr.4G: this video is 3 hours too short
- MCrants0: based
- AYO .O: Greek made all of their content way better
- Funnyrandomboy: You're 30 seconds off
- Pira Feed: Balding, don't forget that he's balding.
- Remo Mendoza: what is the second song that lily played for greek while he was eating 1:07
- Mr GoGs: shame i went months we no greek but he was on all these other streams i dont follow.... i feel scammed.
- Ruined Gaming: Ugh Greek surrounded by equally good streamers
- Keshaki xp: Nice pfp LuL
- Aaron Ryze: This is your pro dance teacher GREEKGODX
- That pop punk kid: Greek shoud become an offlineTV member
- Endorion: What happened to GreekGodx Twitch streams?
- SkullSauce: Funnyrandomboy it’s the start of the clip, 32 seconds off if you could count though
- Ex Play: 4:17 C *OMEGALUL* N T E N T
- MarkQub jar: thats his master plan to leech xqcT
- Pip H: +George Smith exactly
- Ryan Crazy: Lily and ggx would work
- Zeke: 3:57 alien impersonation ? lol
- Aaron Dougherty: that asain chick is so fucking weird
- Peenguibo87: RandomShortVideos bro stfu. I see you dickriding offlinetv like they are the only thing in your life. People are allowed to not like things other people like. I’m sure you don’t know anything about Greek and you still hate on him
- Peenguibo87: She’s so weird and so is Albert. Alberts fucked in the head or some shit
- George Smith: Pip H better than cancer fortnite videos
- pickupleon: i know scarra right leg asleep lol
- MadGameHouse: +space oddity You're the real MVP
- cmonBruh: How tf does someone not know the name of this song
- Kkona Brether: +Judgmentdayz These Pepega normies
- RandomShortVideos: +clutched010 Because you said that he found them.. It was Chris and William who did..
- PrinceZatan: BG977 what channel is that?
- Charlie Hayes: sad to see greek go full normie RIP Oldfag ggx :(
- Cilz: +RandomShortVideos Jesus Christ dude get a fucking life
- LimeyPlays: 3:25 LAW AND ORDER
- FeelsBadMan: At 1:15 does greek remind anyone else of wilson fisk?
- Cluff: +John Doe how do you know what are you a fucking spy im calling nasa
- RandomShortVideos: +Peenguibo87 If he means that, then Evan Feng is retarded.
- HettyPatel: I could watch this for hoursssss we need more greek x offlinetv
- clutched010: And that prompted your hostile comment? I apologize.
- Le Yeet: Scarra comfortable af
- Shadow Hunter: Wow they all are really boring without Greek. And yet when he turns on his stream, he says he has no content...
- Spongebob SquarePants: I saw this when it came out and now it got suggested to me again , i thought i would comment and say that GREEK I FUCKING LOVE YOU DUDE.
- Dean Tudo: What's the song at the end???
- JupiterShots: Nikolay Ilin I remembered its waltz op64 no1 by Chopin
- Gio Stepnadze: That clip reminds me of Wilson Fisk idk why lol
- Revived Videos: Greek got albert out of his comfort zone kappa pride but albert is abeta cuck and supa awkward n cringy but hey hes good with cards
- Sean Suryadi: Song at 1:30
- Martin Ivanov: nice, i havent watched this autism compilation of greek :)
- Tim Lindén: Has nobody else noticed toast during the first 10 seconds hahahha? :')
- Waynelolz: Weird flex but Ok
- Black Monkey: RandomShortVideos yikes
- RandomShortVideos: +Sebastian Szeliga "lMaO sTfU U bEtA ThiS BeTa ThaT Im EdGY AnD cOoL" ironic.
- Peacewalker267: Crazy how the whole twitch community uses Ice Reddit memes and don't even know it. Lol
- FPS_ Neto: The hell is this greek?
- clutched010: Yo I dont know how he did it... But he found a house that contains the cutest most beautiful people in the world.
- Webster91: 3:34 XD NO WAYYYYYY
- AlexanderDanho: at 10:30 is when u can see greek start to feel himself xD
- Ices Omeh: Tyler M hahahahahahahha that face xddd
- death Day: He back dude
- valdor: 3:06 highlight of greek's career
- RandomShortVideos: You know so little.. Step away kid and delete your comment..
- Oh yeah yeah Cx: ........ DARY
- fevzikaan Y: Just shut up
- Woody Harrelson: Wtf...
- Lemon Licka: Normiegodx
- Rantceck: now call xQc
- /: Ugh Greek surrounded by resident sleeper streamers.
- Youngguy: Cx
- Goonizumi: greek you fucking fat slob.
- Hero: Greek is on another level
- Sebastian Szeliga: RandomShortVideos lmao STFU White Knight Beta cuck
- Nikolay Ilin: what is the song lily is playing?
- Joaquin: I swear i fucking love this fat brit
- Endorion: Yeah I know now thanks for the late comment :D
- Judgmentdayz: +Rei you're allowed to swear on the internet, retard
- 111333421uy11u51j11n24n12qa235a7l: Waltz, Op. 64: I. Minute Waltz in D-Flat Major - Frédéric Chopin
- ThePhobiaCrew: +RandomShortVideos are u serious offlinetv is boring as fuck other than to normies. i liked offlinetv during the toast x janet times and that was about as entertaining as they get. lily plays music and draws...so does albert abut he does magic, toast plays heart stone, poki is decently entertaining since she plays league so does scarra, dont know what fed does nor do i care. and the rest are forgettable greek is by far the most entertaining guest they'vehad. if ure into the whole weeb reality show thing then yeah they are great
- death Day: Greek is to much of a meme for this casuals xD
- Swoon: ”My name is John ming, my eyes are asian but my belly is kkona”
- Keshaki xp: Did you even have a childhood
- Bean: Greek really is the best sidekick ever, makes any stream enjoyable even if it’s just someone playing the piano and he’s eating
- Fading Echø: Greekgodx on twitch
- Belape: +Bully Hunter imagine the other people with sad fucking lives spamming hateful comments to someone they know nothing at all about.
- Efrain Rodriguez: He’s no ice Poseidon
- Trizie: 1:29 song?
- Jeffrey Moss: greek look like a fat paul tuttle from mortorcycle show
- Ringaudas Levčenkovas: Toast xddd
- Lewis Gilchrist: Minute Waltz
- Sebastian Szeliga: RandomShortVideos Lmao STFU White Knight You're a Beta Cuck who doesn't know shit.
- Maximilianmus: +Nightbot I'll get my sweat stains on you boy. WooWooWooWooWoo!
- MikeyBoy: 10:42 you can hear K/DA
- Evan Feng: 0:07 are we not going to talk about Toast's face??!?!?! Is this something he does. I don't watch toast so much so...
- Metal Phoenix [1k]: I think it’s darude sandstorm
- 4G64SicKShoT: Lmaoo did anyone see toast 0:05
- Tuber TV: whats the song
- Dr0pCS: i agree offlineTV is boring as hell
- Nightbot: JoeysWorldTour no fatty
- Stewie Griffin: toast looks like a autistic dude that only talks about himself whatever someone else has something to say, he means nothing to him i can see why he is a loner because he doesnt know how to socialize
- IMBA: @That pop punk kid you should die
- Fitri Zahren: 1:23 what song is she playing can someone tell me plssss
- Great Chief: +Daniel David .............
- Shrek: darude sandstorm
- _ Genjana: RandomShortVideos stop white knighting in every negative comment dumbass
- Funnyrandomboy: +SkullSauce ok
- Rafaelo Santi: +SassyIsAGod ty !
- Zerenda: nevermind the lotion ill just lick a foot in an instant
- Grey Silhouette: he's just leeching
- Bully Hunter: +RandomShortVideos Don't act like you can't see it just because you white knight them
- John Blowjobin: Efrain Rodriguez hes better
- RandomShortVideos: What about it..?
- Daniel David: Waited an awful lot for it
- Craig Hipsher: THIS COMMENT IS LIT 😂👌
- Peenguibo87: RandomShortVideos he means is he disabled or something. Retard
- Sweet Bologne Pie: Who sits like that? *0:15*
- Youngguy: Zeke it was an Caroline the alien impression
- RandomShortVideos: +Bully Hunter ??? I see it but I don't know what this person mean...
- SkullSauce: 5:10 “Toast we’ll draw you” lmaoooo 🤣😂
- AAkiraa: Greek played these Asians like it was a fockin sunday afternoon tea time
- Edward: They say the bigger he is, the better the content is...
- Andrew King: haHAA
- The Real MVP: 6:55 is that stream deleted or what?? I cant find it and i wanna watch it!!
- Pip H: fortnite video: 100k views | normal video: 1,657 views?!
- Cluff: +Jordan "hah im so much better than all of you people im going to go into the comments and say how much better i am than all of you hah. I throw around terms like white knight when i dont even know what the fuck that means. hah"
- Tay Tay: 8:08 can i eat your ass so random xD.
- CodiazPlayz: What is the instrument Greek is using at 4:18 called ?
- CodiazPlayz: +Cokes Thanks a lot!
- HettyPatel: Greek about to go and invade every streamer house and steal viewers hahahahaahah makin moves
- Rafaelo Santi: What's the song at 1:45
- Marco Geimond: now thats some lvl. 50 boss life right there, thats how mafia works.
- Tyler M: Pause 0:06 tell me what you see
- OG Gamers: Best collaboration
- *Doubting.* Youtube Commentor: "Horse penis" - Toast2018
- Vin Cuschieri: Greek is nearly leech level 10
- bimxrsh: 6:16
- John Smith: 6:35 now thats the greek i know. This is one weird crossover, though I am fan of all these people so its an amazing content.
- Steve V: Greek is the pinnacle of entertainment. He shouldn’t hand around people who drag him down.
- space oddity: The Real MVP this the vod https://www.twitch.tv/videos/v336892122
- Snake_XIX: Yikes rip old greek FeelsBadMan
- I do Rimjobs: scarra so thicccc
- Luchingador: Tarik
- Jacob Solway: The opening clip of Scarra and he’s legs like that doesn’t look good....
- H!DDEN!NTHERA!N/雨の中に隠され: My Brain would never got depressed if i had a lilypichu in my life :( feelsbadman
- Demitri: Wait how is Lily weird and how is Albert fucked in the head?
- High: rip greek normie
- emanandchill: Thanks for saying her name. I've been trying to find her channel.
- Peenguibo87: RandomShortVideos ur actually 12 yikes
- Angel Mendoza: RandomShortVideos yikes
- Lewis Gilchrist: Beethoven- Fur Elise and Chopin- Waltz in D-flat major
- N: Krikegory Kigerstone anybody who calls people normies is a normie
- Maximilianmus: I think we found the new kitty.
- YerBoyCam: Greek is so funny bro\
- LUX1337: 1:08 Mexican drug baron enjoying his fresh steak while being entertained by Asian pianist. (1973 colorized)
- DuskDarker: Normies FeelsWeirdMan
- Ahmad Al-homaid: Who the hell doesnt know this song
- Cokes: didgeridoo
- Bean: 6:15 ffssss
- SCND: new member? POG
- RandomShortVideos: +ScuffedPanda I'm just telling the haters that they hate for no reason.. They don't know shit.
- 8-bit pepe: Jacob Solway I came
- Jordan: hah people so triggered by this, white knight mode for your favourite streamers. yikes
- SassyIsAGod: Waltz, Op. 64: I. Minute Waltz in D-Flat Major - Frédéric Chopin
- SassyIsAGod: Waltz, Op. 64: I. Minute Waltz in D-Flat Major - Frédéric Chopin
- HIC0M: Used to love greek until he started to hang around these people.. Boring as fuck.
- Hector Tio Salamanca: Scarra looks like a 40 yeard old beybe in this clip
- Faisal Adel: 0:06 when you came but she keeps on sucking
- MLGslayer99: greek brings the CONTENT
- Peenguibo87: Chris Coulbeck opinions are long gone lol. No one can even have conversations anymore. All these weird fags that have never talked to a real human and jerk off to poki is all I see in these videos
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